Monday, August 31, 2009


Director-Producer Davis Guggenheim, (of "It might get Loud" ) might be a good choice for the Marley Movie.

Marley Movie

Maybe 8 different Movie Directors could direct 8 different segments, regarding Marley's life.


It would suck if one of the Mother Loads of Reggae, which resides near L.A.., went up in smoke.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

Marley Movie

A great Rhythm.

I wonder if each of the Marley Kids and maybe his GrandKids, could play different parts of Bob's life?
I have to sugggest this to Roger Steffans, so he could pass it on, to the appropiate people.

Marley Movie

Maybe a 8 DVD set should be made of the Wailers, like Anthology was done for the Beatles.

See below, for the Beatles vs. Wailers link.

Marley Movie

It would be increadable if a 8 part Marley Movie was made , like was done for the Beatles Anthology

marley pics

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Quention Taratino

I wonder how the Bob Marley movie would turn out if Quention Taratino Directed it?

Marley Movie

I got an idea for a Marley movie, which is based around Record labels.

I passed it on to someone, involved with the Official Marley Movie, but I'm sure , nothing will develop.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Reggae Journal

I saw Blink, 182, Wheezer, and " Taking Back Sunday," last PM. between the sets, they played 1980 Reggae,and Dub, such as Culture .

Monday, August 24, 2009



My sons girlfriends name is Tasha, as in Peter Tosha.

B is for bob

Thanks to Georgia , for all her assistance.
Wednesday: TRADING SUCKS!!!!!! But it's essential to keep my collection from becoming stagnant.

Thursday: TRADING IS like a relationship. They both have hardship, ups and downs, second thoughts, and baggage. Time and energy has to be invested, hopefully not in vain.
Friday: Here is the photo link to the previous Hechicero Journal:

Tuesday: Continuing the science of trading, one has to pick up the subtle clues the other trader gives off, such as timing. If one appears too anxious, that has lots of implications. The more desirable the item, the more the value/worth goes up. In other words, let the other trader "go first." That might tell you what he is thinking.
One can pull numbers or items out of the other traders collection, by asking hypothetical questions. For example "if you were to do this and I was to do that how much would you give..." and so on.
Once again, I don't apply these principals to my own style of trading, as anyone who trades with me knows.

At times, one can think of trading in terms such as, "suppose we were to put a dollar figure on it?" (but I think that is a Babylon concept) It is tough to put a dollar figure on a "one of a kind" or an "almost one of a kind" item.
If something comes to market along once every decade, such as Diamond Baby or a 45 minute tape by Jimmy Norman, how does one determine its worth? The answer must be, more than the demand for the item, or that is what the market will bear.
It might be years before another one is sold. Unfortunately the buyer is usually the one who has the most money. Let us say the purchaser was a multimillionaire, and he had unlimited resources, then he could buy Diamond Baby, and say "Oh well. I will not miss the thousand dollars" either way.
Oh well, that's the realities of life.

I guess the trick is to figure out in advance, where the other person wants to end up, and how far he will go.
Thursday: Rare labels: The Wailers
Probably the best way is to negotiate, is to out last your opponent.
I've had an attempted trade with a person from a younger generation and he stated that my life is half over and that he had the rest of his life to find the record in question. What a douchebag that guy was.
Main Entry: ne•go•ti•atePronunciation: ni-'gO-shE-"At, Õ-sE-Function: verbInflected Form(s): -at•ed; -at•ing Etymology: Latin negotiatus, past participle of negotiari to carry on business, from negotium business, from neg- not + otium leisure —more at NEGATE Date: 1599intransitive senses: to confer with another so as to arrive at the settlement of some matter transitive senses1 a : to deal with (some matter or affair that requires ability for its successful handling) : MANAGE b : to arrange for or bring about through conference, discussion, and compromise 2 a : to transfer (as a bill of exchange) to another by delivery or endorsement b : to convert into cash or the equivalent value 3 a : to successfully travel along or over b :
Sunday: I do not follow any of my advice, since I am extremely impulsive, but writing about this stuff gives me something write about.
Monday: The above discussion of negotiations is to reach an agreement that is mutually advantageous to both parties.
Thursday: It is unfortunate, but trading is like a chess games or sort of like a Samurai stance.
I read a book once about the samurai physical posturing called the "Book of Five Rings" by Miyamoto Musashi who was the most successful Samurai warrior. It discussed the physical posturing that a warrior could use. This stance served as a business model for negations/bargaining / trader/business manager.
This can be used as a metaphor for trading. Personally I tend to lose or get the better of the deal, because I am not good at delaying gratification, when it comes to trading. I would take a mediocre or unbalanced trade, just to get it over with, since I like immediate gratification. My logic is that I can obtain the item next time and just like to keep the trades moving forward. I am persistent although, and have reasonable stuff in my collection to continue trading.
A Book of Five Rings

The first is to forestall him by attacking. This is called Ken No Sen (to set him up). Another method is to forestall him as he attacks. This is called Tai No Sen (to wait for the initiative). The other method is when you and the enemy attack together. This is called Tai Tai No Sen (to accompany him and forestall him). There are no methods of taking the lead other than these three.
Because you can win quickly by taking the lead, it is one of the most important things in strategy. There are several things involved in taking the lead. You must make the best of the situation, see through the enemy's spirit so that you grasp his strategy and defeat him. It is impossible to write about this in detail.
THE FIRST - KEN NO SEN When you decide to attack, keep calm and dash in quickly, forestalling the enemy. Or you can advance seemingly strongly but with a reserved spirit, forestalling him with the reserve. Alternatively, advance with as strong a spirit as possible, and when you reach the enemy move with your feet a little quicker than normal, unsettling him and overwhelming him sharply. Or, with your spirit calm, attack with a feeling of constantly crushing the enemy, from first to last. The spirit is to win in the depths of the enemy. These are all Ken No Sen.
THE SECOND - TAI NO SEN When the enemy attacks, remain undisturbed but feign weakness. As the enemy reaches you, suddenly move away indicating that you intend to jump aside, then dash in attacking strongly as soon as you see the enemy relax. This is one way. Or, as the enemy attacks, attack still more strongly, taking advantage of the resulting disorder in his timing to win. This is the Tai No Sen principle.

THE THIRD - TAI TAI NO SEN When the enemy makes a quick attack, you must attack strongly and calmly, aim for his weak point as he draws near, and strongly defeat him. Or, if the enemy attacks calmly, you must observe his movements and, with your body rather floating, join in with his movements as he draws near. Move quickly and cut him strongly. This is Tai Tai No Sen. These things cannot be clearly explained in words. You must research what is written here. In these three ways of forestalling, you must judge the situation. This does not mean that you always attack first; but if the enemy attacks first you can lead him around. In strategy, you have effectively won when you forestall the enemy, so you must train well too."
Monday: I'll come back to the Samurai stuff another day.

Trading Marley can become an addiction, It can, at times, take prescidence over sex, work, relationships, other artists........

Tuesday: The question is "why are there so many Marley tapes?
Was he the Chosen one? Was his music just so good, that anybody who was near him knew it should be saved? Did he know that He was special? Did he know that he was not on earth for eternity, but documentation is?
I have tapes my friends and my self jamming, but not for any particular reason, mostly to make CDs of my jam sessions, to hear at a future time.
Real artists capture songs on tape, sometimes for their ears only and other times to build new songs.

Wednesday: Wailers' tunes are frequently used by other bands for a variety of reasons, (such as to get the crowd going, or familiarity with Bob Marley). I have taken non Reggae worshipers to concerts, and they always get up when Marley is played.
Examples would be "Exodus" by the Gladiators, or "Soul Rebel" by Third World.

Thursday: I recently got into a discussion with one of the worlds biggest traders, about whether it is easier now or 10 years ago to obtain new Marley Vinyl or Memorabilia stuff.
I mentioned that it was more difficult now, since most of Jamaica has been cleaned out. He mentioned that it is easier now, since the invention of ebay,
I agree with him.

Friday: I saw Dylan recently in concert, and was reminded of, the time Sinead O'Conner attempted to sing at a Dylan tribute, and was booed, because of her incident of tearing up a picture of the Pope.
Then she sang a terrible off key version of "War" in protest to the audiences negative reaction to her.

Saturday: Back to Samurai, and the Art of Japanese Management:
Bushido is a philosophy that teaches patience.
In single combat, the samurai swordsmen stood face-to-face within striking distance of each other and waited for the opponent to make the first move. The weaker man, no longer able to bear the strain of waiting for a blow from the sharpest blade known to man, would eventually strike the first blow. But, the instant he made his move, the other man also would move, not to defend himself but to attack.

This kind of confrontation, which rewarded a moment's relaxation with instant death required awesome patience and concentration, a kind of discipline that can only be acquired after years of training under the guidance of a master.
In time, this code of ethics with its stress on patience, frugality, and constant self-improvement, permeated all levels of Japanese society. It became a port of the social ethos of Japan.
Sunday: The word "War" is a metaphor for trading, and readers should not take me too seriously.

The following is from The Fire Book, from the Art of Japanese management (Book of 5 rings)
In this the Fire Book of the NiTo Ichi school of strategy I describe fighting as fire. In the first place, people think narrowly about the benefit of strategy. By using only their fingertips, they only know the benefit of three of the five inches of the wrist.
They let a contest be decided, as with the folding fan, merely be the span of their forearms. They specialize in the small matter of dexterity, learning such trifles as hand and leg movements with the bamboo practice sword.

In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the "edge and ridge" of the sword.
You cannot profit from small techniques particularly when full armor is worn. My Way of strategy is the sure method to win when fighting for your life one man against five or ten. There is nothing wrong with the principle "one man can beat ten, so a thousand men can beat ten thousand."

You must research this. Of course you cannot assemble a thousand or ten thousand men for everyday training. But you can become a master of strategy by training alone with a sword, so that you can understand the enemy's strategies, his strength and resources, and come to appreciate how to apply strategy to beat ten thousand enemies.
Any man who wants to master the essence of my strategy must research diligently, training morning and evening. Thus can he polish his skill, become free from self, and realize extraordinary ability. He will come to posses miraculous power. This is the practical result of strategy.

Depending on the Place, Examine your environment Stand in the sun; that is, take up an attitude with the sun behind you. If the situation does not allow this, you must try to keep the sun on your right side. In buildings, you must stand with the entrance behind you or to your right.
Make sure that your rear is unobstructed, and that there is free space on your left, your right side being occupied with your sword attitude. At night, if the enemy can be seen, keep the fire behind you and the entrance to your right, and otherwise take up your attitude as above.

"You must look down on the enemy, and take up your attitude on slightly higher places. For example, the Kamiza in a house is thought of as a high place. When the fight comes, always endeavour to chase the enemy around to your left side.
Chase him towards awkward places, and try to keep him with his back to awkward places. When the enemy gets into an inconvenient position, do not let him look around, but conscientiously chase him around and pin him down. In houses, chase the enemy into the thresholds, lintels, doors, verandas, pillars, and so on, again not letting him see his situation. Always chase the enemy into bad footholds, obstacles at the side, and so on, using the virtues of the place to establish predominant positions from which to fight. You must research and train diligently in this. The Three Methods to Forestall the Enemy "

The first is to forestall him by attacking. This is called Ken No Sen (to set him up). Another method is to forestall him as he attacks. This is called Tai No Sen (to wait for the initiative). The other method is when you and the enemy attack together. This is called Tai Tai No Sen (to accompany him and forestall him).

By the way , I am still quoting from the above book, and am comparing trading to Zen stuff.

There are no methods of taking the lead other than these three. Because you can win quickly by taking the lead, it is one of the most important things in strategy. There are several things involved in taking the lead. You must make the best of the situation, see through the enemy's spirit so that you grasp his strategy and defeat him. It is impossible to write about this in detail.
The First - Ken No SenWhen you decide to attack, keep calm and dash in quickly, forestalling the enemy. Or you can advance seemingly strongly but with a reserved spirit, forestalling him with the reserve.

Alternately, advance with as strong a spirit as possible, and when you reach the enemy move with your feet a little quicker than normal, unsettling him and overwhelming him sharply. Or, with your spirit calm, attack with a feeling of constantly crushing the enemy, from first to last. The spirit is to win in the depths of the enemy. These are all Ken No Sen. The Second - Tai No SenWhen the enemy attacks, remain undisturbed but feign weakness.

As the enemy reaches you, suddenly move away indicating that you intend to jump aside, then dash in attacking strongly as soon as you see the enemy relax. This is one way. Or, as the enemy attacks, attack more strongly, taking advantage of the resulting disorder in his timing to win. This is the Tai No Sen principle.
The Third - Tai Tai No Sen

When the enemy makes a quick attack, you must attack strongly and calmly, aim for his weak point as he draws near, and strongly defeat him. Or, if the enemy attacks calmly, you must observe his movement and, with your body rather floating, join in with his movements as he draws near. Move quickly and cut him strongly. This is Tai Tai No Sen

These things cannot be clearly explained in words. You must research what is written here. In these three ways of forestalling, you must judge the situation. This does not mean that you always attack first; but if the enemy attacks first you can lead him around. In strategy, you have effectively won when you forestall the enemy, so you must train well to attain this. "
Monday: Some of these principals can be applied to trading
"Spiritual Bearing in Strategy

In strategy your spiritual bearing must not be any different from normal. Both in fighting and in everyday life you should be determined though calm. Meet the situation without tenseness yet not recklessly, your spirit settled yet unbiased. Even when your spirit is calm do not let your body relax, and when your body is relaxed do not let your spirit slacken.
Do not let your spirit be influenced by your body, or your body influenced by your spirit. Be neither insufficiently spirited nor over spirited. An elevated spirit is weak and a low spirit is weak.

"Do not let the enemy see your spirit. Small people must be completely familiar with the spirit of large people, and large people must be familiar with the spirit of small people.
Whatever your size, do not be misled by the reactions of your own body. With your spirit open and unconstricted, look at things from a high point of view. You must cultivate your wisdom and spirit. "

Polish your wisdom: learn public justice, distinguish between good and evil, study the Ways of different arts one by one. When you cannot be deceived by men you will have realized the wisdom of strategy. The wisdom of strategy is different from other things. "

Tuesday: Timing in strategy
There is timing in everything. Timing in strategy cannot be mastered without a great deal of practice. Timing is important in dancing and pipe or string music, for they are in rhythm only if timing is good. Timing and rhythm are also involved in the military arts, shooting bows and guns, and riding horses. In all skills and abilities there is timing.

There is also timing in the Void. There is timing in the whole life of the warrior, in his thriving and declining, in his harmony and discord. Similarly, there is timing in the Way of the merchant, in the rise and fall of capital. All things entail rising and falling timing. You must be able to discern this. In strategy there are various timing considerations.

From the outset you must know the applicable timing and the inapplicable timing, and from among the large and small things and the fast and slow timings find the relevant timing, first seeing the distance timing and the background timing. This is the main thing in strategy. It is especially important to know the background timing, otherwise your strategy will become uncertain.

You win in battles with the timing in the Void born of the timing of cunning by knowing the enemies' timing, and this using a timing which the enemy does not expect. All the five books are chiefly concerned with timing. You must train sufficiently to appreciate all this.

If you practice day and night in the above Ichi school strategy, your spirit will naturally broaden. Thus is large scale strategy and the strategy of hand to hand combat propagated in the world. This is recorded for the first time in the five books of Ground, Water, Fire, Tradition (Wind), and Void.

This is the Way for men who want to learn my strategy:
Do not think dishonestly. The Way is in training. Become aquatinted with every art. Know the Ways of all professions. Distinguish between gain and loss in worldly matters. Develop intuitive judgment and understanding for everything. Perceive those things which cannot be seen. Pay attention even to trifles.

Do nothing which is of no use. It is important to start by setting these broad principles in your heart, and train in the Way of strategy. If you do not look at things on a large scale it will be difficult for you to master strategy. "

If you learn and attain this strategy you will never lose even to twenty or thirty enemies. More than anything to start with you must set your heart on strategy and earnestly stick to the Way.
You will come to be able to actually beat men in fights, and to be able to win with your eye. Also by training you will be able to freely control your own body, conquer men with your body, and with sufficient training you will be able to beat ten men with your spirit.

When you have reached this point, will it not mean that you are invincible? Moreover, in large scale strategy the superior man will manage many subordinates dexterously, bear himself correctly, govern the country and foster the people, thus preserving the ruler's discipline.
If there is a Way involving the spirit of not being defeated, to help oneself and gain honor, it is the Way of strategy
Wednesday: Trading is like a card game of Poker. Some times you show your hand, and some times you know when to fold. There probably some people who bluff, as well.
Thursday: Some people only trade Bob stuff for Bob stuff. I wonder if there is a formula for trading Wailers for non wailers stuff? Maybe 40 assorted rock steady songs equals one Wailers single?

The JAD Rebel box set, I bought from amazon.France is outstanding.
Sunday: I feel great. I am thankful for all that I have.
I asked a newbie to the Marley trading scene how he got so successful so fast, and his reply was little bit a luck and some good decisions.

Monday: I was discussing the difference between Bob 's No women No Cry" and Bunny's "Tears in your eyes" with major Wailers collector.
This major Wailers archivist (not Roger ) never heard of the song in question by Bunny,
It seems that there are collectors who never even got past listening to Bunny even when Bob was alive.

Some people have to get past Bob, some never get past Peter or Bunny,
Some Bob purists never get to appreciate bands like "The Congos, Spear, Culture..

Tuesday: My son is in a Rock band.
I was telling his female lead guitar player, Kate, why I thought Bob was special. That being, his ability to improvise, his need for perfection via rehearsing, and his ability to compose so rapidly.
I then remembered, that I probably also shared a spliff with him.

Wednesday: Thank Jah I can sleep at night, knowing that I have never made a trade or purchase for material benefits. I doubt that day will ever come, and I hope it never does.
One day I might sell some Vinyl or paper items, if there is a sever need of money such as Medical reasons for myself or my family or some other unforeseen catastrophic circumstance.

Thursday: C G F c G COne love One heart Let's get together and feel alright.
Friday: What's the deal with time bars on Videos anyway? Is it better w/ a time bar? More collectable? At the least, it is distracting.

Saturday: //8-)\\ natty smiley

Sunday: From Todays' NY Times
Pre-Reggae Tape of Bob Marley Is Found and Put on Auction
Sometime in the spring of 1968, a lanky, clean-cut 23-year-old Jamaican arrived at an apartment on Valentine Avenue in the Bronx with a guitar and a future no one could have possibly imagined.
He was Bob Marley, who eventually sold tens of millions of albums and built reggae into an international musical movement but who at this point was dead set on learning the mysteries of rhythm and blues. To that end he had gone to the Bronx to sit at the heels of Jimmy Norman, then a 31-year-old composer and crooner who had written dozens of hit songs for the singer and producer Johnny Nash.

Mr. Nash had just signed Marley to his record label, JAD Records.
"He was just a nice young guy who loved music," Mr. Norman recalled. "He loved the Impressions, and he loved James Brown."

The two men, along with Marley's wife, Rita, and Mr. Norman's writing partner, Al Pyfrom, jammed for the next three days. Then Mr. Norman set up a tape recorder and recorded 24 minutes of music onto a cassette that soon disappeared.

It was not played again for 34 years, during which time Marley become a global superstar and died of cancer at 36 in 1981. Forgotten by Mr. Norman, the tape remained in a box of cassettes in his apartment on the Upper West Side until it was discovered last June by a volunteer from the Jazz Foundation of America who was cleaning the place.

The tape, which Mr. Norman has put up for auction on Friday at Christie's, has eight songs sung by Marley — five written by him and three by Mr. Norman and Mr. Pyfrom. It documents a rare moment in the artist's development, a period just before reggae and Marley himself began to gain popularity.

"I'm a pack rat, I can't find nothing in my apartment," Mr. Norman said. "I thought it was just trash. I almost recorded over it."

Roger Steffens, a Marley expert and the founding editor of The Beat, the reggae and worldbeat magazine, said: "This was Marley at the birth of reggae. He was trying everything in the first years of his career he could to have a major hit. He saw this as a way to put himself in somebody's else hands and who could guide him to American chart success."

While other early Marley demos exist and have even been released on compilations, Mr. Norman's tape is a rarity, Mr. Steffens said, because "they are pop influenced rather than reggae influenced."

Considering its age and neglect, the tape sounds clear, as does Marley's voice. Marley played guitar, while Mr. Norman played an upright piano and sang backup. Rita Marley can also be heard singing backup, with Mr. Norman's ex-wife, Dorothy. Mr. Norman recorded on a standard cassette recorder in late afternoon, after a long day of playing. There was also, Mr. Norman said, some drug use.

"Bob introduced me to spliff," he said, using the Jamaican lingo for marijuana.
What is strange, especially for those accustomed to his reggae, is the style in which Marley sings. On one track, "Stay With Me," Marley sings in an almost doo-wop style; on another "Splish for My Splash," he appropriates the slow love song style of 1960's artists like Sam Cooke.
What stands out on all eight songs, however, is Marley's voice.

"He didn't sound like anybody else," Mr. Norman said.
Officials at Christie's say that the tape is expected to bring $10,000 to $15,000, though the buyer will get only the tape, not the rights to the eight songs, all of which were later recorded and released in more polished form.

Mr. Norman said that the session was considered such a success that he went to Jamaica and spent eight months supervising the recording of dozens of other songs, many of which he wrote for Marley. Some of them have been included in other Marley albums and show the increased influence of "rock steady," a precursor to reggae, in Marley's sound.

It was a time of artistic ferment that Mr. Norman remembers fondly. But after leaving Jamaica, Mr. Norman saw Marley only once more, shortly before his death. "He looked like the weight of the world was on his shoulders," Mr. Norman said. "He said, `I wish we were back in Trench Town, going swimming.' "

Mr. Norman's decision to sell the tape is practical. He had a heart attack last year and is in poor physical and financial health. A member of the Coasters, the doo-wop cutup group from the early 1970's to 1998, Mr. Norman had to stop touring because of his health.

Wendy Oxenhorn, executive director of the Jazz Foundation of America, which helps infirm or housebound musicians, said that discoveries like the Marley tape were not uncommon.
"We had one guy who used to play with Miles Davis and found boxes full of original sheet music and recordings," she said. "We've brainwashed volunteers not to throw anything out."

Mr. Norman said he had several dozen other tapes that he suspected might have Marley material. In 1996 he gave a JAD Records founder, Danny Sims, several tapes on which he and Marley played. They were released as part of "Soul Almighty," an album focused on Marley's formative years.

Whitney Broussard, an entertainment lawyer who has handled many music copyright cases, said that for a record from the tape to be released, a series of rights issues would have to be resolved, like obtaining permission from the owner of the copyrights on the songs and from the Marley estate. A call to the London lawyer for the Bob Marley estate was not returned.

Even the Marley tape up for sale might have additional material, Mr. Norman said.
"I don't remember what's on the other side of the tape," Mr. Norman said. "I just got so caught up in listening to that one side."

Monday: Between this post and the last, it has been about a month. In that time, I had another wonderful trip in Jamaica. #28

Tuesday: I was in Negril recently for 10 days. My daughter's ignoramus friend, asked her to get her something from "The Grill." or or click here My Reggae Home pages
Saturday: More important than preventing ones collection from getting stagnant , is getting and listen to new music.
Being able to hear new ideas, messages and songs, was why the music was and is supposed to be. out the article on Errol Barrett on the above link.

Wednesday: This post was clipped from the Reggae Usegroup:
Reggae can be played with two Major Barre Chords - G + C first
And then two Minor Barre chords - Bmin + Emin.

The major ones will give you a ska or rocksteady thing , the minor ones more of a rootsy feel. Just try the two chords and concentrate on the Right (strumming for me) hand for now.
Thursday: Click here: Vinyl Room

Friday: One of best things about vacations, is getting to listen again, more carefully, to all the new stuff I accumulated over the year. I am always amazed, by the things I overlooked upon my first listening.

I am King of making bad deals. I frequently leave the deal open and hope for the best.
Rarely does this technique pan out in my favor.
An example would be a deal I tried to make with the Third World Band. I sort of tried to make a trade with them unsuccessfully.

I saw one of their shows not to long ago, and hung out with them on the tour bus. (I also met them years ago at a concert they played with Steel Pulse at the United Nations)
I came prepared with a 73' show of theirs on CD from Paul's Maul, Boston, (where they also played Soul Rebel)

We hung out and reasoned a bit. It was an amazing time for me. One of the band members was eating Taco Bell, (probably a vegetarian meal) and another member was rolling a nice sized spliff.
They took my business card with my Internet address, but I never heard form them again. I had hoped they might have sent me something in return for a copy of the 73' show.
Speaking of business cards, back in college when I met Bob, I gave him one my business cards as well, and asked him if he would like to speak at my college.
He mentioned that he had no time due to his tour, but he was very gracious.
Saturday: My friend, Abe, knows someone who lives in Maui, Hawaii, whose last name is Iannotti (pronounced I and otti). This post struck me as being more interesting after a half dozen Red Stipes.

I heard that the Jimmy Norman tape sold for 27,000 dollars. This sounds a bit high to me.
I think the seller said that it could be released, but the buyer would not have rights to the songs. I'm sure it can be released if the rights are negotiated and royalties are paid.
One day I will get to hear "I have no feelings", without the overdubs from the Soul Almighty CD
I would not mind hearing "Stay with me" and "Hurting Inside"as well.

Sunday: I would imagine for $27,000 "Stay with me" and "Hurting Inside" would be different versions than the ones that are circulated.
I get tired of writing in the first person. (Too many I's)

Have you ever erased something by accident? By accident , I erased my brothers wedding tape to record "Babylon by Bus" once. I almost erased my Marley Waldorf Astoria interview today.

Recently they announced, they erased the moon landing tape.

Monday: This could be a great post/vignette. If I worked harder on it, but that is not going to happen:
Is it possible Bob invented musical notes or sounds? Someone mentioned to me that one cannot invent musical notes. But more on this later.

There are some notes that are uniquely Bob such as the beginning of "Crazy Baldheads". (brrrrr )

IMO, Bob made sounds or derivations of sounds not previously heard. (such as going up an octave in a 1/10th second as he did in some show.
There is occasionally a note that Bob reached in a live show, that was super unusual, but none come to mind at the moment. (except for the scat in PRP)

Tuesday: Someone asked me what was the trading scene like 15 years ago? What signified a no copy then? The only thing that existed 15 years ago was Roger. The dub sides of the singles were rare then.
15 years ago, unknown singles were being discovered (meaning new songs and versions). Songs like roots were the unbelievable then. "I'm a Do" was the Holy Grail and "I'm like a wounded Lion" was super rare. Tosh/Marley duet at Berkley was unobtainable. (Unless one was willing to give up their first born).
The edited "One Love Peace Concert" was the epitome of Marley video.

Wednesday: The problem with trading now as it was years ago, was that one does not know what one needs , since one does not know what exists.

Thursday: This column is supposed to be Ital "food for thought".

Friday: Unofficial Online Wailers Museum

Saturday: Sometimes it is easier just to finish, a not so favorable trade, and move on, rather then hit a brick wall, and get nothing.

Check out the One Love cartoon at above link (One Love) I believe is cartoon porn.

Tuesday: Sometimes the TRADING GAME can be ugly.
Occasionally, someone makes a bad copy on purpose, so 2 versions of the film footage, audio or song exists. Frequently a song is omitted from a rehearsal, so another trade can be squeezed out.
I could give examples, of songs I received with a serious hiss, probably intentionally put there. It sucks for that to happen but sometimes, one has to get the bad copy in order to get the good copy, at a future time.

Sometimes one has to get ripped off first, to get the upgrade.

Wednesday: I recently retuned from Jamaica without one record, which has never happened to me before.

On past trips, I invested many hours seeking out vinyl , "in quantity" in hope of finding great rare/lost/unknown records I would search out sound systems, which brought me to several interesting places, including whore houses, and junk yards.

My "biggest high" was finding an untouched sound system.

Thursday: I wonder what Bob was thinking by the lyrics "Turn I loose"?

Friday: Is it possible to love a record label, as much as one loves a song? Labels are Art, as well.

Saturday: Carmella from the HBO TV show Sopranos said "more is lost to indecision, than to the wrong decision"

Sunday: Robin Williams HBO special used One Love ", as the theme song.
Monday: speaking of HBO:

Recently in Ja. We went to visit my friends, who were having their 25th year renewal of their wedding vows.
One of the actors, from of the hottest TV shows, "Sex and the City" Willie Gordon was staying at their complex.

He also appeared in the Steven Spielberg, made for TV Science Fiction series, "Taken."
He is one of my favorite actors, so I can only begin to say how happy I was to meet and chill with him

He already was informed of my love of Marley, by my friends, and I proceeded to give him a talk on the "5 most essential Marley facts ." He listened graciously, and inquisitively. (More on this at a future time)

I offered to get him some weed, as an icebreaker. I informed him I was one of his biggest fans and we discussed his role in the Spielberg movie, my kids' future, and his favorite TV shows as well.

I asked him if Marley music was ever used in "Sex in the City, although I knew the answer was "no".

Tuesday: When I started my internship, I worked at a Hospital near Greenwich Village and 33% of doctors were gay. Since I am straight, this caused was a bit of a problem, on rare occasions.

I was once a bit biased, and homophobic against gays, but this very bright and Medically talented Mulatto (Black and White) Homosexual Doctor by the name of Lincoln, asked me how would you like it if I didn't like you because you were Jewish? Ever since he said those few words, and it was put it into that perspective, my out look has been different.

Wednesday: I wonder what Bob would have thought about Homosexuality?
After discussing the Old Testament with the female Cantor from my Temple, I was indirectly referred to these links:
The Lutheran May 2001 The Old Testament and Homosexuality HOMOSEXUALITY IN THE REST OF THE OLD TESTAMENT: ALL VIEWS
Homosexuality and the Old Testament
I would imagine Bob would have been a relatively tolerant person based on his mixed color (Black and White) upbringing.

As a child, I am sure Bob felt rejected, because he was different (Mulatto) from others, and suffered consequences. (which possibly, partially contributed to his greatness)
Homosexual people probably feel rejected, or isolated, because they are different, as well.

Probably Bob would have understood this complicated issue, and factored that into his Rastafarian outlook and beliefs.
IMO, Bob probably would not have approved of Homosexuality, since I do not think it is approved by the Old Testament, but I feel, his take would have been "Live and let Live."
Monday: I saw the Stones last night.
The show would have been better if Tosh opened. I yelled out "Walk and Don't look Back" during the opening act, anyway.
I'm sure very few peoples lives have been influenced by Mick Jagger bisexual experiences.

Wednesday: I cannot understand gay bashing in Jamaica. Being anti gay is not something to be proud of, sort of like being anti black, but regardless, this occurs in Jamaican Music. Q-online - News: Anti-gay reggae stars 'should be charged'

Thursday: It is interesting that the Gay Lads changed their name to "The Psalms" because it was a more politically correct name.

Friday: There are 2 passages, related to the above posts, in Don Taylor's Book, (regarding The Rolling Stones and Prince).

Saturday: b&p (blanks and postage )

Sunday: On the new RMV Deluxe set, the band version minus the drum machine of "Johnny Was" was interesting.

What 5 Bob Marley/Wailers officially released CDs, would you like to be on a desert island with? (That includes the JAD stuff)

Monday: Seeing the Rolling Stones at MSG, NY last week, brought back lots of flashbacks of time I saw BMW. When I saw Bob the acoustics were terrible, and the echo, due to the size of the building was annoying.

The Stones kept the volume down, probably to compensate for that.
Tuesday: The Grateful Dead have a mechanism in place for Bootlegged Live shows called Dick's picks. The Official Home Page of Grateful Dead

Dick Latvala is the Dead's Tape archivist, and he and his staff have released 27 digitally mastered tapes, not professionally recorded.
I wonder when Island Records, or somebody like that, is gonna start doing this?

The Dead have, or the "Dead machine" has been doing this for years, releasing shows, collected from tapers, and selling them with liner notes by archivists and concert attendees. Dick's Picks
Wednesday: Bob Marley site Early discs

Thursday: Glen Adams of the Upsetters, will be accompanying the Slackers on their upcoming tour: I saw them open for the Wailers, they were excellent.
5 Dutch shows, 2 Belgium shows, 7 UK shows, 4 French shows, 9 German shows, 1 Danish, Prague. Poland

Monday: I was going call this Post "Laws of Lists," then I thought of changing it to "Haves and Have Nots," Either way, having stuff and not sharing it does not lead to making new acquaintances and winning friends.
Complete lists of concerts, vinyl or Videos, (posted on the Internet or not) can only leads to trouble, especially if you have "no copy" section. I have never seen a list of "No lists "
It's nice to make people aware, that things exist, but when you are not willing to give them up, it can only lead to animosity and jealously.

I personally have not made a list in years, but that is due to my disorganization, lack of discipline, compulsiveness, and time.

There have been times as well, where I got so many things at such a fast pace, that keeping a list current was almost impossible, (if I was to continue my day job).
Posting Internet lists can only lead to questions and e-mails. Of course, this leads to trades.
If one does not generously share the material in question, I really cannot see one making friends.
It is nice to have a set list section on a homepage, so traders can use it for a reference, but obviously one cannot deny that the show exists in ones collection.
Tuesday: To put "lists" in a historical perspective, 15 years ago the only way to see in writing what existed was to look at the play list from the Reggae Beat magazine.

About the same time, Timothy Whites' book was released, which included vinyl lists.
15 years ago, collectors, like myself had their lists typed up or hand written.

If anyone wanted a copy, a Xeroxed copy was mailed. This was at the very start of the Internet age, so there were no online lists posted. I still have some of those handwritten lists of other traders.

For example, I would type a list of all my Judy Mowatt singles, or Wailers shows and when I obtained a new it, I would squeeze the new title between the lines on my type written page.

Monday: Wailers are an addiction. About 17 years ago, I was undergoing a Reggae withdrawal, while in Florida, I bought the Heptones, "Book of Rules" on tape. It was the only Reggae I could find.

Tuesday: One well versed Wailers collectors' take on the RMV deluxe set, was that "Johnny Was" was overproduced, and that it did not work.
He felt "want more" and "Crazy Ballheads" got boring very quickly.
It was also pointed out that there were several errors in the booklet, such as "both sides of Smile JA. were released on a UK 45" which apparently was not true, since only one version was released in the UK, (which was the fast one, on the flip of satisfy my soul).
I wonder which next album will get the deluxe treatment?

Wednesday: About 20 posts ago. I mentioned "Bobs singing, during a live show, going up an octave in 1/10 a second." That was from a Beacon Board show during "No More Trouble"

Thursday: A big time trader who was going to trade me a super rare item impressed me with the following statement/stragegy.
Before he traded it to me, he wanted to obtain it from 2 different sources, so he/it would not be traceable.

Friday: There are double standards in trading, for some traders.
Probably the best and most successful traders have no feelings or morals. (I am proud to say, I am not part of that club)

They probably don't give a crap about who they step on.
Some people can shit on, and lie to others, and sleep well at night.
And then if they find another person doing the something, they freak.
I think the issue is more than having double standards.


Sunday: I bought a well, made Marley Uprising bootleg CD with unusual artwork, at this tourist/market shot. The picture of Bob outside the store caught my eye, in San Pedro Belize Belize (at bottom of page)

There is a "Puma" sneaker advertisement in print with the Jamaican flag and colors on the sneakers. (I am not sure what magazine it was in.)
Monday: There is a TV Show called ultimate collection. It is about people who are obsessive collectors, such as for board games or vacuum cleaners.

I thought of submitting my Reggae collection for an interview, but decided against it, because of fear of bringing attention to myself. I would prefer not to advertise my stuff and not get robbed and killed.

Tuesday: On the above TV show, a toy collector mentioned that he had 50,000 items in his collection.
Including paper items, I might have 20,000 things.

I figure I own about 1000 singles, 300 12" and LPs , 100 magazines ,500 magazine and newspaper articles, 25 books, 1000 tapes, and maybe 500 miscellaneous items. (Marley post card collection, posters, trading cards, calendars, incense photos,...)
Wednesday: Trading bob is too secretive.

Thursday: On the top floor of the World Trade towers, they used to have a map, showing Manhattan landmarks and Marley was mentioned.
They showed the location of the Apollo Theater and they mentioned, "famous musicians such as Bob Marley played there."
There is slight chance I have a picture of that somewhere.
Friday: Some where I read this in someone else's journal:
"The above 30 chapters are just a few of the irrelevancies that flowed thru my mind.

Saturday: I had a discussion with a trader who said, every thing we discuss is secrete, which I doubted was true.
It might be secrete today, but in 6 months something slips or something was copied and pasted and I would get kicked in the ass.
I told him that I was unable to trade stuff with him because I didn't want to lie and burn bridges behind me.

It's just not worth ruining a good connection, and loose ones' trust.
I explained to him that if I had a good connection, I'd be an asshole to ruin it

Sunday: Someone should start a radio station, Bob Marley all the time.

Monday: Lyrics, from : SO MUCH TROUBLE IN THE WORLD

"Blast off on their SpaceshipMillion miles from RealityNo care for youNo Care for me"
Here is an Interesting Post I found from the Rolling Stones Usegroup, that applies to trading Wailers.
This is how "The Tree" will work.
I will make 7 (seven) copies of this recording - if you would like to take part in the tree:
Remember first and most important - we're on the honor system, so please remember there will be others who will depend on you to fulfill your obligations.

Send an e-mail and state whether you want to be a branch or a leaf(note - it will take longer to receive your recording if you want to be a leaf)
If you would like to be a branch - state where in the USA (or which Country) you are from
If you would like to be a branch - state how many copies you are willing tomake for other leafs(note - the more copies you are willing to make, the higher up on the tree youwill be)(note.2 - be realistic regarding copies, anywhere from 3-5 is fine)(note.3 - if there is enough demand [leafs], there may be multiple sets of branches [me, branch 1, branch2, branch3...])
If you would like to be a branch - you will be assigned a branch number, smaller branch numbers will be higher in the tree than larger branch numbers

If you would like to be a leaf - state where in the USA (or which Country you are from).
If you would like to be a leaf - you will be assigned a leaf number, smaller leaf numbers will be higher in the tree than larger leaf numbers.

Regardless of whether you want to be a branch or a leaf, please do not send complete mailing information (State or Country is fine). You can provide that later to your specific branch once the tree begins to take shape.

I will not ask for anything in return from the branches (either in trade form or blanks), it would be nice if those branches did the same for the leafs.
I will leave this e-mail box open until Friday, January 31st at 5pm US/Mountain time - at which point I will block all incoming e-mail. Depending on the requests to be a branch, I may have the discs out prior to the 31st (either the 29th or 30th). As the tree begins to form, I will submit a response to this initial post letting everyone know where they stand. I will send update posts on
Wednesday evening and Friday morning - the post with the final tree structure will be on Saturday afternoon.

In addition, the offer to take part in the tree is also going out to the Rocks Off board, and the Yahoo! Rolling Stones mailing list."

Monday: Lenny Kravitz wears a Peter Tosh "Wanted" T shirt, in the music video, "I Could Fall in Love."

Tuesday: The above video is found on the Blue Crush Surfing movie DVD

Hechicero is pronounced H E Zero

Wednesday: In the first 5 minutes of the movie "Blue Crush," there is a remade version of "Could you be Loved " with another Marley singing DJ.

Monday: I am trying to write a review or Roger Steffans' Marley show for people that never have seen one.

Monday: Dublin is a good name for a Reggae city.

Tuesday: Toshs' "Peace Treaty" would be nice if, it occurred for the world
Wednesday: Trading Marley is like Crack. Some people who hold the "goods" are like dealers.

Monday: Tosh's song "No Nuclear War " is very appropriate for the times.

Wednesday: There must be about 5 or more different colored labels for the "Legalize it," 7."Orange, Maroon, Black on blue, Black on yellow .Light Blue on white...

Some optimistic words of Bob:
"No matter what the crisis is.."
"When one door is closed, another is open"
"Don't get in a rut and complicate your mind "

Friday: During the Super bowl there was a Rasta related commercial:
Without getting into the specifics, there was a place where they did not let dogs in, so the guy puts on a dreadlocks wig, and hid the dog in his locks.

Thursday: A few years ago, the world most famous Marley collector asked me if I was copying and pasting his Instant messages or sharing his e mail with others. I obviously was not doing that, but someone recently did that to me.
Friday: I seem to be spending too much time o
n this column, at the expense of my vocation, reading and family. Too bad I am not I am not compensated music wise.

Monday: I'm really not neglecting my job or family to write this column, but I thought it sounded good. But if anybody want to send me the 24 minute version of mix up mix up, or Bobs' version of pour sugar on me, I would be happy to receive them.

Tuesday: There were good vibes at Roger annual N.Y. Marley show.
Roger played the Barcelona "Three Little Birds" film, Milan news show and footage, the first song of the final rehearsal, and the US TV show 60 minutes Rasta program.
Another world famous collector wondered if Roger had the right to show this material in terms of legal rights
There was a small crowd in attendance (about 100+), but no empty seats.

Wednesday: Trading is so secretive these days:
I had a Internet conversation recently which went something like this "can we talk about Bob without talking about Bob?". One of the people in the CONVERSATION wrote 'I am listening to this thing and it is so great "
What a sad state of affairs the trading scene is in.

Monday: On the back of the Legend album it states very simplistically "the Buffalo Soldiers were black men were being conscripted into the ranks of the union army, to kill Indians."

Tuesday: I was fortunate enough for one of my friends to receive a Life Time Grammy award.
My wife and I were invited to the Grammy awards nominee Reception at the Sheraton Hotel in Manhattan. We were at the Simon and Garfunkel, Etta James, Royal Blakeman, (Lawyer) and Geoff Emerick (engineer for the Beatles) award presentation and party.
The voice over for all the Videos was Roger Steffens.

Wednesday: I was extremely fortunate to attend a Grammy award presentation and party. I previously was at the ceremony where Bob received an award, about 5 years ago.
Unfortunately, I was not at the Reggae one this year, where Lee Perry won.
I wonder whose ass I have to kiss to get on the nominating committee.

Thursday: There were a few people with dreadlocks at the Grammy party, but didn't recognize anyone. I heard that Freddie McGreggor was at Madison Square Garden for the Presentation.
I saw several people looking at my Marley tie.

Friday: There does not seem to be a a continuous flow of new Marley material.
It seems that unreleased stuff just pops up, from time to time.
Monday: Jean Wyclef, of the Fugees sang "No Women No Cry" at one of the Grammy parties.
MARCH 2003

Monday: I thought this was an interesting post from a traders page:
*I DO NOT WANT ANY FILLER...the only material I want on the discs is what I requested from you ( the shows I asked for). I don't mean to be rude on this, but receiving discs with filler just requires me to re-burn the disc myself.
Tuesday: I doubt it is true , but I heard that "Could you be Loved" might have derived from "Judge not".

Wednesday: In the CAF "400 Years", the overdubs have a clavinet sound.
Bob lisps a bit, during the line "since I've got you one my mind" on Stir it up."

Thursday: I married my wife because when she met, she owned Natty Dread, and liked Bob. I figured that was a very good reason to marry her. The runner up reason was that she traded me her Steel Pulse Earth Crisis album for my UB 40 album. I felt that I ripped her off.
(She probably let me get the get the better of the deal, just to marry me)
Friday: Johnny Nash sang "the more I find out, the less I know".

Saturday: I imagine that, the Wailers' collection, inside Legends' open gate fold cover, belonged to the late Tim White.

Sunday: Sometimes the genetics of the Marley family lineage can get pretty confusing and extensive, (if you include Anthony booker and all).
There is a line from a Melody Makers song that I particularly like: "from the line (lineage) of King Marley.

Monday: Some people have a good ear for picking up on subtle differences of mixes of songs.
I do not, probably because I am too impatient (short attention span) and have the presssure of working to make a living and providing for my family.

I was told Rebel music is different on the Jamaican pressing of Natty Dread: Apparently the harmonica is different and the organ was not present
Sometimes, these types of things need to be pointed out to me.
On the 7 "Coming in from the Cold " it has the original drum sound, before they added the reverb on the album version.

Tuesday: When trading, one has to deal with so many different types of personalities.
A fellow trader pointed out that "trading can get tricky, but also, can be fun."
It's better to start collecting Marley/Wailers stuff at an early age.

Monday: A poem about Marley /Wailer collecting: called "Underhanded dealings"
This poem tells the story of the grimy, seedy underworld of Marley collecting written by an anomyous collector:
hungry collectorsfeed on rare songs like rats on rotten meat instead of being allowed to let the music flourish, as it deservesto do

Tuesday: Sometimes with making deals: you snooze , you lose.

Monday: I've said it before and I'll say it again, that a lot of overlap exists between trading music and the real business world. Either the real world prepares one for trading or, trading prepares one for the real world. I recently got into another trader on the question of "Overselling" something. I had a good item to trade, and the other party mentioned "that I was overselling it". This might have detracted from the item. I guess if the music to be traded, is that good, it sells itself.
Look in the "What they still don't teach you in Harvard Business School," by Mark McCormak for a reference.

Tuesday: One day I would like to make up or invent Reggae Jeopardy or a game devoted to Marley trivia. I have all the details worked out.
I am good at recognizing a song on the first note and probably would win that category in the Wailers section.

Some younger collectors have clearer and sharper minds but older collector has years of listening and reading on them. Just to piss off a younger "cocky" collector, I told him I had more knowledge on my little finger than he had in his whole body.
Wednesday: I would like to own a promo single of "So Jah Seh" - WIP 6212-A with a release date September 27th 1974. (the B side is blank just containing an engineering test tone). It has a cover as well.

Thursday: I understand 1976 rockers NY TV show, with Earl Chin had Bob Marley and the Wailers playing Positive Vibration and Roots Rock Reggae. I understand that most people, including myself, just have Positive Vibration.

Friday: This was clipped from James Wilson's Page:
The Wailers gave a performances on April 7th at Tokyo's Shibuya Public Hall, after which the band took a two day rest period.
On April 10th Bob and the Wailers played two shows at the Nakano Sun Plaza Hall that featured some of the most interesting renditions of songs on the whole tour. Bob threw in several improvisations and scats throughout, including a surprise segue from Stir It Up into War at one show that momentarily catches the Wailers off guard. Another interesting improvisation that the band developed over these shows was the brief reprise at the end of I Shot The Sherrif that was executed to best effect at the Sun Plaza.
To conclude, the tour moved from Tokyo to
Osaka. The penultimate show was at the Kouseinenkin Hall on April 11th, and finished up on the 13th at the Festival Hall.
Peter Tosh's Mystic Man bonus CD has a instrumental of Recruiting Soldiers.


Buffalo Soldiers : Black soldiers served in the Union army and navy during the American Civil War (1861-1865), although they were not allowed to enlist until the conflict's closing years. For serving with exceptional valor during the war, 17 African American soldiers were presented with the military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor. For the next 40 years, black soldiers would play a crucial role in the violent, chaotic history of the frontier West.

In the years following the Civil War, the federal government turned its energies toward an often bloody campaign to relocate Native Americans. Most of the white settlers embraced the theory of Manifest Destiny and thus believed they had the right to all of the Native American territory. Despite a series of promises to compensate Native American communities, the U.S. government broke several treaties and forced hundreds of thousands from their homelands. Not surprisingly, many Native Americans reacted to these invasions violently, and soon there was an all-out war. Adding to this near-constant armed conflict was a growing presence of cattlemen, cattle rustlers, and hardened criminals.

Among the troops on the Indian Wars' front lines were two all-black regiments—the Ninth and Tenth U.S. Cavalry
”and four infantry divisions. The units, authorized by an 1866 act of the Congress of the United States, filled up quickly with volunteers, for whom the $13-a-month salary, with free room and board, represented a significant improvement over civilian life. Many were former slaves and were being offered their first chance at education by the bill's stipulation that the army teach the soldiers to read and write.

The two black cavalry units represented 20 percent of the U.S. cavalry at the time, and their military duties took them from the Mississippi River to the Rockies, from the Canadian border to the Rio Grande. White soldiers called the black soldiers “brunets” (when not using racist slurs), but the Native Americans the soldiers had come to fight nicknamed them "Buffalo Soldiers," presumably referring to the black men's curly hair. Knowing that the buffalo was an animal the Native Americans respected and even worshipped, the black units adopted the name for themselves.

In time the Tenth Cavalry's official insignia would contain a buffalo.
The Buffalo Soldiers often found themselves in conflict with the white settlers they were supposedly there to protect. In one 1878 incident, white cowboys and black cavalrymen fought in the streets of San Angelo, Texas, after the murder of a Buffalo Soldier by a white cowhand in a local bar.

Less violent tensions were also common. Henry O. Flipper, the first black graduate of West Point and a lieutenant in the Tenth Cavalry, was court-martialed on trumped-up charges after white officers saw him riding with a white woman. As historian William L. Katz notes, "It is ironic that these brave black soldiers served so well in the final and successful effort to crush American Indians, the first victims of white racism in this continent. But serve they did." Indeed, many did so with distinction. Twenty-three Buffalo Soldiers received the Medal of Honor for their heroism during the Indian Wars and the Spanish-American War in 1898.
      Contributed By: Kate Tuttle   Â


Friday: Friends of ours are buying a large home, so a lot of business/negociating principals come to mind. (like offers and counter offers)
Large purchases probably have more stress than smaller purchases, but maybe not always, for example an item I needed, sold dirt cheaply on Ebay.

Buying hundred thousand dollar homes is like trading Marley records and tapes, just more expressive.

Monday: I had the good fortune to get tickets to attend The Tibet House U.S. Benefit Concert. The major reason I went was to see Ziggy Marley perform, but other artists that were there were David Bowie, Ray Davies, Philip Glass, Angeliquee Kidjo and Rufus Wainright.
Ziggy appeared about 5th in the lineup.

He played 2 songs acoustically, "Higher Vibration" and "Keep my Faith " one he played on his Ovation Acoustic guitar, and the other on a Baby Grand piano. The Dub piece that he did with the 3 piece string orchestra, was interesting but I doubt the audience understood what he was doing.
It probably appeared to the audience that he sang the lyrics over and over. I heard someone mention that "Ziggy needs some help with his lyrics."

There did not appear to be a planned encore, but regardless, when the time for the encore arrived, all the above artists including Laurie Anderson, Lou Reed... came on stage and sang "Get up Stand up."
It is very easy fo

r anyone to recognize those 2 notes. Those first 2 notes, are probably 2 of the most distinctive notes ever writteen Most Marley fanatics could identify GUSU by the first 2 notes.
It might take a newbie or novice 4 notes to recognize GUSU.

I was in the second to last row near some guy that looked like the Dali Lama, but the sound was perfect due to the acoustics.
I remember thinking about how the Beatles sounded when they played there?
APRIL 2003
Tuesday: On the back of the Legend album it states : "the Buffalo Soldiers were black men were being conscripted into the ranks of the union army, to kill Indians."

Wednesday: Thanks to the kaisers for this page:

Monday: The following was clipped from James site :

Regarding the Japanese tour, many Promotional duties were taken care of. The crowds proved how the music crossed the cultural barrier by singing along in perfect English.
The first show began with a long version of Positive Vibration, and was followed by a slow, brooding version of Concrete Jungle.
The set list made no compromises to the new territory; heavy versions of Them Belly Full, The Heathen and Running Away/Crazy Baldhead were received as enthusiastically as No Woman No Cry and Jamming.

The first show encore began with a solid rendition of the War/No More Trouble medley, which Bob took straight into Get Up Stand Up with an extended instrumental first verse, and then a stunning version of Exodus.
A repeat performance at the same venue the next day was followed by two performances on
April 7th at Tokyo's Shibuya Public Hall, after which the band took a two day rest period.
On April 10th Bob and the Wailers played two shows at the Nakano Sun Plaza Hall that featured some of the most interesting renditions of songs on the whole tour.
Bob threw in several improvisations and scats throughout, including
a surprise segue from Stir It Up into War at one show that momentarily catches the Wailers off guard.

Another interesting improvisation that the band developed over these shows was the brief reprise at the end of I Shot The Sheriff that was executed to best effect at the Sun Plaza.
To conclude, the tour moved from Tokyo to Osaka.

The penultimate show was at the Kouseinenkin Hall on April 11th, and finished up on the 13th at the Festival Hall.
Tuesday: Chin Music How one little record shop climbed to the top of the reggae world BY JEFF STRATTON
..................But VP's bottom line is indeed impressive: The family now oversees the most successful reggae record label ever -- one that has crossed over onto Billboard's charts and mainstream radio without losing its insurrectionary spirit.

Saddled with the thankless task of replacing Bob Marley as the end-all and be-all of the genre with something a bit more contemporary, VP went beyond. Sensing dancehall's parallels with hip-hop, the label took reggae back to the streets, where it started. Some of her youngest grandchildren, says Miss Pat with a soft, melodious giggle, are on the front lines. "They're always telling me what's hot and when the beat is changing," she says.

Monday: Hello to all my readers. I have been on a hiatus, for a lot of reasons. Those being: I found better things to do, and I decided to get a life". Actually this next post is called "10 top reasons not to write a Reggae Journal".

Tuesday: I have received lots of new stuff over the last 6 months, The usual bullshit, (no copy, no list, ... There is a new one called "no mention".

Wednesday: There is a demo song by Bob possibly using the melody of a Debbie Reynolds song, called "Tammy my Love". She was an American 1960s movie and television star.
If I mentioned some demo, in a post, I might be breaking some fucked up cardinal rule of trading, such as no mention. I hate the situation of "Have and have nots ," so by not writing anything, I couldn't piss anybody off.

Friday: some nice dub ,as background music, or possibly doing your own mixes:

Saturday: Nice page:
Sunday: Good non Marley site:

This page is the photography link, to this Journal:

Old news:
I got a chance about a month ago, to talk to and take pictures with Lee Perry, but I'll save that story for a future date
Just remembering some old pages:
About 2 weeks ago, I got to chill with Peter Tosh's mother, son and grandson.I hope to write about this.

I got tickets for Ziggy's upcoming concert.

I've been pulling out and playing my MMs' CDs. Mostly great stuff.
I must say he is doing a better job than many of the sons of other famous musicians.
The spelling and word processing is a pain in the ass. I wish somepiblishe this garbage
I am continuing a list of my favorite Wailers links

Click here: www.incolor.ine.../.../lsp.html

About 3 weeks ago, I got to chill with the Upsetters' cook, and we discussed LP's sanity. I believe he 's totally sane, bust eccentric, sort of like Salvador Dali. I'll try to write something about this experience.

The next link is very dear to my heart: Lee Perry

Click here: CBS Late Show Top Ten Archive

Wednesday: So let me update the first 3 of the 10 top reasons I stopped writing:
1. Misunderstanding of my sense of humor and personality.
2. I do not want to trade, due to time constraints and the hassle factor (for example, the CD was not tracked correctly, or I was not exact in the length of the CD. Or I did not write out every song and make a cover and track listing.)
3. Lack of time due to professional and family responsibilities.

The forth reason for not writing a Wailers column are:
Getting ideas, writing, rewriting, and using spell check is lots of work, with no compensation. I am not thinking of financial compensation, but musical compensation (new trades). I must say in all honesty, I did make one excellent trading partner. This column probably reaches very few readers, anyway.

Monday: This fifth reason I stopped writing this column was that maybe I would get a big swollen, head, and feel like maybe I something to say or contribute, to the Wailers literature. I did not want to get delusions of grandeur, that maybe I did have something to say.

Tuesday: #6: I got sick of using the first person "tense" /point of view, "I"
It is a long story, for a future time, but I have had several discussion with my genius friend Abe Dorfman, regarding the axiom, "It's all about me."

#8: Maybe the reason I did not write anything for a while was the simple reason : lack of inspiration.

Wednesday: The 9 th reason I stopped writing, is that there was lots of infighting amongst Wailers traders. Hypothetically, if I learned about a new demo, I would not be able to talk about it, and if i mentioned it, people would go crazy and start killing one another. Jk

Thursday: Amongst the tenth reasons for not writing anything for 6 months was writers block, I got sick of my ideas, my minimal command over the English language, and I didn't want anybody to think I was out of my mind.

Friday: Happy Birthday Bob:If Bob was alive, he would obviously be evolving musically and probably would be a record producer. I would imagine he would have a talent agency, as part of his major entertainment corporation.
Maybe Bob really would have his own territory in Africa possibly be called:
Dream land, Rastaland, Dreadtown, Rastaville, Freedomville, or Rastfrica.

Maybe his State/Country/Republic/area would have an African name
Sunday: There is also something weird about writing a journal. A lot of what I say, is "tongue in cheek", sort of a Woody Allen/Larry Davidish sense of humor, so some readers might think I'm an asshole or not understand me.

Monday: I am glad universal is re-releasing the Jad stuff, since it was not fully appreciate by the masses.

Tuesday: Does mint = store stock? I do not think so.
Wednesday: There are different types of Wailers collectors. Live shows was never the thrust of my collection.

Friday: Bob would be 59 today.I wonder what he would look like today? There are computer programs that could generate an answer.I wonder if his hair would have fallen out? I'm sure he would have a strong muscular physique, since he ate healthy and exercised. He would probably have gray hair.I am surprised at Wailers fans, who do not appreciate what Ziggy is doing. I respect the fact that Ziggy does what he wants, and does not listen to critics.
Saturday: If I had time, and was a College Psy. major I would write something

on "Did H.I.M. serve as a Freudian father figure for Bob? Jah sunAnd Jah moonAnd Jah rainAnd Jah starsAnd forever eraseYour fantasy.
Monday: While I'm at it, I would write an article (in my imaginary life) comparing Bob's lyric, "Pick my self off of the ground", from Concrete Jungle, to Peters'/Temptations' ' "Gonna Pick myself up.... "from "Walk and Don't look back".If you have not seen the Renditions page on this web site, check for it.

Tuesday: The extended version of "Soon Come" is called "Soon Come Along " on the Remastered Bush Doctor.

Wednesday: I wonder how much of unreleased material, will be released in my life time?

Thursday: I just finished the biography of Ben Franklin. I see a lot of similarities between him and Bob, such as being a smart negotiator, logical, having a small ego, and not being full of himself.I could write a lot more on this, but I have to watch the TV show "24"

Friday: People have said that Bob is a God, a profit, Jesus Christ like, or was Joseph reincarnated.I wonder if he was more like Jacob.

Sunday: I stopped making most purchase of Wailers stuff, since I ran out of wall space and money.An older site of mine, called collectors corner, can be found at the site.
The Webmaster started erasing my some of my pictures, due to space constraints, so I decided to stop submitting pictures.

Some of the spelling mistakes in this Journal are not my fault. Sometimes they are due to the Webmasters transcribing my entrees, sometimes they are due to spell check, and sometimes, they are due to my typing.

Monday: The following is a song, by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, with name check for Marley.Give it Away
What I've got you've got to give it to your mamma
What I've got you've got to give it to your pappaWhat I've got you've got to give it to your daughterYou do a little dance and then you drink a little water

What I've got you've got to get it put it in youWhat I've got you've got to get it put it in you. What I've got you've got to get it put it in youReeling with the feeling don't stop continue
Realize I don't want to be a miserConfide w/sly you'll be the wiser

Young blood is the lovin' upriserHow come everybody wanna keep it like the kaiser

Give it away give it away give it away give it awaynow x 3 (chorus)I can't tell if I'm a kingpin or a pauper

Greedy little people in a sea of distress
Keep your more to receive your less
Unimpressed by material excessLove is free love me say hell yes
I'm a low brow but I rock a little know howNo time for the piggies or the hoosegowGet smart get down with the pow wowNever been a better time than right now

Bob Marley poet and a prophetBob Marley taught me how to off itBob Marley walkin' like he talk it
Goodness me can't you see I'm gonna cough it
Lucky me swimmin' in my ability
Dancin' down on life with agility
Come and drink it up from my fertility
Blessed with a bucket of lucky mobility
My mom I love her 'cause she love meLong gone are the times when she scrub me
Feelin' good my brother gonna hug me
Drink my juice young love chug-a-lug me
There's a river born to be a giverKeep you warm won't let you shiver
His heart is never gonna witherCome on everybody time to deliver
(repeat first verse)


Wednesday: Posted on the NASA website today
OPPORTUNITY UPDATE: Peering into the Hole - sol 24, Feb 18, 2004
On sol 24, which ended at 10:59 p.m. Tuesday, PST, Opportunity used science instruments on its robotic arm to examine the hole it dug with its right front wheel on sol 23. The trench is about 50 centimeters (20 inches) long by 20 centimeters (8 inches) wide by 10 centimeters (4 inches) deep.

Sol 24's wake-up music was "Trench Town Rock" by Bob Marley.

I am reading an unexpectedly insightful book called Bob Marley "Lyrical Genius." I suggest Wailers' lovers pick it up, if they feel like a slow read, where one has to concentrate. There is so much I could quote from the book, but I'll mention random snippets here and there.

I recently read a book called "Song Writing for dummies".

I clipped this post from the song writing, message board (I did not write it)
As far as learning to write songs, you write to learn, rather than learn to Write, if you follow what
I mean. It took me some years to get that thought Into my head. Eventually, I learnt to stop trying to write the "perfect" Song all the time, and just WRITE! Sure, the first ones are trash (if They're like mine they are!).
It's just the first 1000 songs or so
that are tough, after that, it's a breeze!

Some new traders take offense that some older collectors rarely trade. They think its not sharing the music. Trading takes a lot of time, then one has to burn, mail, and make small talk on the computer.

I wonder which tape readers think is better, the Yvette or Bedroom? I have my own opinions, for a later date.

After reading "Lyrical Genius " and" Song writing for Dummies," I contemplated (for a second) to try to write a poem/song.

I'm taking a break from buying stuff, and trading, and devoting that time to reading, and my journal.

I have great wife and kids, but they have lousy taste in music. They are into modern punk. It's not bad music actually.

Thursday: "Bob Marley Lyrical Genius" by Kwame Dawes

Saturday: Don't ever trade with someone called J.P. (Jean Paul). He literally stole about 25 Rock Steady, unknown blanks, from me. He told me that he woud try to identify them and return them to me. It is 2 years later, and I never heard form him again, and have not been able to track him down.

Some times in ones' mind, he was ripped off, but in the other person mind, they were ripped off.
Not too long ago, I made a pretty major trade, but never received the promised CDs. In that persons mind, more than 6 months was a reasonable time, to wait to get his promised package to me. What a looser he is.

I wonder if parallels of Bobs assassination attempt and the 9/11 hit on America, could be compared. Basically we were both in a state of in shock, that this could happen to us. I guess there is more to say about this.

Too bad I have a day job.Too bad I have to work, talking reggae is so much easier and more fun.

To go back of my precious discussion about who is more important the Beatles or Bob:The "Fly on the wall Beatles bonus Let it Be Naked" CD, was great. I Hope they do that to the Wailers.There was lots of Beatles stuff I never heard, that was cleanly cut and spliced. Too bad it wasn't tracked.

I wonder if Claptons' "Let it grow was inspired by Toshs' "Legalize it."?

They were in the studio together, around that time.

I wonder if Rastafarianism is a easier to understand religion, than Jewdiasm or Christianity?

Distant Drum magazine, 11, mentions an existing alt. mix of "Feel alright, "Give her love" and a horns cut of soul rebel, that exists.

Having a record, with, the record stores name where it was purchased, stamped on it, such as "Record Rama" gives the record some history.

It would be interesting if there was a Wailers album that had 2 takes of the same song on the same album?

I do not know if it exists, but I need Bob's demo of Judy's "You Pour Sugar on me."I heard that the name was on the tape box, but the song does not exist.Personally, I think it exists, just as "Terror' does. (and that people are not being truthful, and are not sharing)

It makes such a difference, what type of stereo, CD Player, computer CD player, or Car stereo, the CD is being played on, as to how the Wailers song, sounds. Just by turning off, or unplugging one speaker, changes the entire feel of the song and other layers can now be heard.Duh.

After reading the above Marley book, I appreciate Bob now more than ever. People/family did not think that was possible.

Hark, news flash, revelation:I recently saw Reggae Video without Roger on it.

I heard that Bob Marley was at the M. Ali / L. Homes fight
Reading books is getting in the way of writing this column. I asked the webmaster of this is site to send me something new, as payback for writing, but to no avail.

I am not a philosopher, but nothing is free.Some people have no free time.Someone with more poetic insight could make something out of that.

I wonder if its normal to discuss for 2 hours, one record label, such as, design, paper colors, stamps etc.?

Tuesday: Thanks to Riley Fee, for giving me the picture of Bob from the Wax Museum.

In the promo trailer to the new Adam Sander movie, "50 First Dates", the audience hears an instrumental of Jamming, and Bob singing "Could you be loved" There is also a nice Ziggy cover song, in the movie and found on the CD

During the movie there is about 15 seconds of "Could you be Loved"and about 10 seconds of "Is this Love?"
I guess the point is that the masses, will get to hear Bob. I wonder what type of financial arrangements, was made, with whom, for using the song?
I'm sure they had an entire staff of people, some making connections, Lawyers making contracts, others obtaining permission...

Wednesday: I wonder if anyone on the TV show "American Idol" ever sang a Bob Marley, Wailers or any Reggae song.

I wonder what I'll have left to trade in 20 years and I wonder what will be traded?Another trader mentioned that he thinks there will be nothing Marley related to trade in 20 years. He felt "that there will not be anymore tapes left, since it is getting dry now " but I disagreed.

Then we discussed if there will be traders interested in vinyl in 20 years, and I felt probably more than ever. People collect Original S.Dalis and Original paintings as opposed to signed or unsigned lithographs.Maybe we will probably have microchips in our necks and we could call up what ever song/demo/version we wanted.

I personally feel that Bob will be more God like, not just for his musical abilities. This was briefly written about in the 4/04 Rolling Stone article.

I have a lighting rod/flag pole on the roof, with a Jamaican Flag on it. I lost an important patient/friend recently. The flag is now at half mast.

Legend, has been on Billboard's Top Pop Catalog chart for 718 weeks and is currently No. 1, having been certified for 10 million copies sold.

I feel the Wailers show was better at the Beacon than at the Roxy, because of the setlist, improvization and inspiration.

I just finished a book called The DaVinci Code, Without giving away the plot, they mention "Jah" towards the end of the book.

Monday: I have never seen the complete Brazilian Soap Opera TV show called Agua Viva, but I heard that Peter plays acoustic guitar. Both peter and Bob are in Brazil video, each footage lasting approximately 3 minutes.

There are at least 3 different Jamaican pressings of Craven Choke Puppy/Choke: white / pinkyellow / greenwhite / blue (with Alan Cole credits)There might be more that one NY pressing as well.

I went to Coxsones' Bronx Music City record store with Gael from France, hoping to get pictures and autographs The NY Bronx Wailing Wailers repressing Album, has a different track listing. "One Love" is not on the Album, and the backside of the album has a Bee on it.

I am not one for comparing subtle differences in songs, note for note, but I heard that some of the pressings of "The Wailing Wailers" have alternate takes of, "10 commandments" and "One LOVE."

I personally do not mind "filler" copies of vinyl. Just like someone doesn't temporally mind filler coins for their collection. I would take any Marley record just to round out My collection, even with a crack. Another collector felt that a poor condition record, is virtually worthless, just like a piece of plastic. But I disagreed.
IMO a Fucked up copy is better than no copy.

I feel the same way with regards to "filler" baseball cards and autographs.
There are collectors, who are at the other end of the spectrum, who only collect Mint stuff.
I hear that the "One love, has an extra 30 seconds, without overdubs.

One day I should write about my Melody Makers collection. I'm enjoying the 12" version of Tomorrow people.

I saw Ziggy, with about 10 of my friends recently. The concert was not earthshaking, but it was enjoyable, as usual. He covered 4 of his fathers songs "War, So much trouble, Jamming, and Concrete Jungle"' (which was excellent).

The audience was mostly white, but there were lots of hot 20 y/o College freshman females dancing around.

Friday: When we went to see Ziggy, we tried to meet him, or go backstage, by planning on casually walking by his tour bus. Unfortunately his Bus had not arrived yet (Even though the senario did not pan out as expected, the plan was good one.)

Ziggy is worth seeing again, just to be there and see what he's up to.

The world is so fucked up, but I have a feeling it's always been bad.There has always been war.Hopefully Ziggys' song/statement "These are the good old days ", will not come true.
A tip from a gypsy(Do re mi fa)She said man you got a tipsy(So la te Do)Hidin' from reality(Do re mi fa)In your world of Hipocrisy(So la te Do)

Saturday: This is a review of a ziggy show, I did not write
Ziggy Does `Justice' to Dad's Message (article 3/4/2004)
By Aiden Fitzgerald
Despite Ziggy Marley's striking resemblance in high cheekbones and long dreadlocks, a powerful voice and a peaceful message, his performance at the Roxy Tuesday night did not measure up to the music of his father, the legendary Bob Marley.
Ziggy, touring minus his sibling Melody Makers for the first time in 20 years, seemed to invite comparisons anyway. Nearly a third of his set consisted of Bob Marley and the Wailers classics. Based on the crowd's enthusiastic reactions to such songs as ``War,'' ``Africa Unite'' and ``Is This Love,'' he should have played more.

His own songs, more rock than reggae, were not as compelling. In ``I Get Out'' and ``True to Myself,'' both from his most recent album, ``Dragonfly,'' Marley frequently broke from the traditional reggae beat to drive home harder songs with an edge. Trying to separate himself from his legacy?

Backed by a tight band of six musicians and a female backup singer (none of whom he introduced), Marley didn't make much of an effort to connect with the audience, aside from running in place and pumping his fist.

His most impressive songs, however, were those that evoked lighter beats, including his two uplifting encores, ``Dragonfly'' and ``Higher Vibration,'' as well as ``Justice'' (from his 1989 album, ``One Bright Day''), a passionate duet with his anonymous backup singer.
Michael Franti, who opened the show with some reggae-pop, returned to the stage for a dancehall rap with Marley in ``Let Jah Will Be Done,'' an upbeat song from Marley's 1999 album, ``Spirit of Music.''

Despite Marley's low-intensity performance, he continues to carry his father's healing message of one love. In ``Shalom Salaam,'' he sings, ``I am one of you, you are one of me/ why don't we set the people free . . . the only answer is to live as one.''
Another review , I did not write.
NC review/setlist...must check it people
Yes I! Greetings in the devine name of H.I.M., emporer Haile Selassie, the first!! Big thanks and praises to our fine people here in Asheville, NC for creating Jah Irie vibes on Tuesday night.
The Ziggy Ziggy train blessed us again with the message. What an amazing show. Two trips to Asheville, and two amazing, yet different shows.

Michael Franti/Spearhead opened the show and blew the roof off The Orange Peel. Ziggy most definately has seasoned his latest band and was in complete control all night through.
The setlist will follow as best as I can remember, but who cares, he really brought it that night. Both trips to Asheville, Ziggy has felt our vibes and played whatever came to him, blowing off his setlist.
From the start, Ziggy and crew graced the stage just before 11pm, and stayed strong through 1 am. He comanded his bredrens and sistrens on stage and at times had to pause due to the love he was feelin.

Twice I saw tears rolling down his face. Ziggy spoke to the crowd between songs more than I have ever seen him do this before. Ziggy opened with War which flowed into No More Trouble. WOW, I was ina trance like stage. Puffs of smoke enveloped the crowd and Jah Vibes were intense!

He played a few hits throughout the show amongst the standard I Get Out, Rainbow In The Sky, In The Name of God, etc. from Dragonfly. the setlist is as follows, I think!
If you have the chance to see this tour with Spearhead, don't blow it. Just hoping now we can get Julian to bless us. Much love and good vibes..........................................................
1. War/No More Trouble 2. In The Name of God 3. Shalom Salaam 4. Looking 5. Melancholy Mood 6. I Get Out 7. Justice Which was unreal 8. Africa Unite 9. Rainbow in The Sky 10. True to Myself 11. Is This Love 12. Let Jah Will Be Done 13. Good Old Days ENCORE 14. Higher Vibration which was a bit mellow 15. Jammin left the crowd a jammin'

Beautiful Day, by U2
The heart is a bloomIt shoots up through the stony groundBut there's no roomNo space to rent in this townYou're out of luckAnd the reason that you had to careThe traffic is stuckAnd you're not moving anywhereYou thought you'd found a friendTo take you out of this placeSomeone you could lend a handIn return for graceIt's a beautiful dayThe sky falls, you feel likeIt's a beautiful day
You're on the road, But you got no destination
You're in the mud In the maze of her imagination
You love this townEven if that doesn't ring trueYou've been all over
And it's been all over youIt's a beautiful dayDon't let it get awayBeautiful dayTouch meTake me to that other placeTeach me loveI know
I'm not a hopeless caseSee the world in green and blueSee China right in front of you
See the canyon broken by cloud

See the tuna fleets clearing the sea outSee the Bedouin fires at nightSee the oil fields at first lightAnd see the bird with a leaf in her mouthAfter the flood all the colors came outIt was a beautiful day

Don't let it get awayBeautiful dayTouch me nowTake me to that other placeTeach me love
I know I'm not a hopeless caseWhat you don't have you don't need it nowWhat you don't know you can feel it somehow

What you don't have you don't need it nowDon't need it nowWas a beautiful daySoul
The goal The goal is soul GoalGoalGoal
The goal is soulSing
Beautiful Day
(written by David Marley)
Take a look into the sky'
Cause the world is not so prettyFree myself from worries

So I can seeIt's just a beautiful dayIt's just a beautiful day
You could be sad
But I rather you not beDon't dwell on the negativeJust the positivityAnd it's a beautiful dayIt's just a beautiful day
We're always trying to satisfy these wants and needs
Take you some time for that inner peaceWhen your eyes are open You'll see things differentlyThereÍs so much gloomHiding the realityIt's just a beautiful day
Yeah, It's just a beautiful day
Take a look into the skyWake upTake a look into the sky
Keep your head up high
Take a look into the sky
I take a look into the sky'Cause the world is not so pretty
Free myself from worries
So I can seeIt's just a beautiful day
I could be sad
But you rather me not be
Don't dwell on the negative just the positivityAnd it's a beautiful day
And it's a beautiful day
We're always trying to satisfy these wants and needs
Take you some time for that inner peaceWhen our eyes are open We'll see things differently
There's so much gloomHiding the
realityIt's just a beautiful day
A beautiful day
Take a look into the sky
Wake up
Take a look into the skyLook in the sky
Keep your head up high
It's just a beautiful dayI know it's a beautiful day
It's just a beautiful dayI know it's a beautiful dayNo one can take that away
It's just a beautiful dayI know it's a beautiful dayDon't you feel no wayIt's just a beautiful day

Tuesday: An interesting page that tells how records


Wednesday: Thanks to Jessica T. for the inspiration regarding the comparison of "It's a Beautiful day" songs.

Friday: Bob Marley singles list

Sunday: The following picture relates to the flag flying on top of my house, mentioned a few paragraphs back.

Thursday: I am in Jamaica, walking around the Hotel, with my wife and niece, just chilling. I see this guy, from far away, with what seemed to be a white mohawk haircut. He gets a little closer, and I see he is taking a video, with a hand held camera. It does not really phase me.
We keep walking. About a minute latter, I notice that the mohawk is actually a white rock on his head.
He gets a little closer. I realize that he is taking a video of his face and head, not what is front of him. The situation still doesn't bother me, and I really don't think twice, until he gets a little closer and I instantly recognize him.

I said "I know you, you are Lee Perry" (My niece said "I know you, you are the Upsetter"). He says "yea", and we start talking, the whole time he has this rock casually balanced on his head. I dropped a few names of friends I have in the Reggae Music scene, just to make small talk. My wife, who knows of LP, also was amazed of what was going on.

I gave him 2 of my business cards, one with a picture of me saying "Docjah" inside a Star of David, and another professional regular business card. It could have been wishful thinking, (projection) but he seemed to know who I was.

I had him sign my t shirt and my Bob Marley wallet.

Meanwhile, he is making perfect sense, and was very pleasant and patient. His speech was very rational and he was extremely courteous and pleasant.

Friday: I recently read very carefully the biography of this living legend by Al Katz. I'll probably re-read parts of the book.

Due my in-person encounter, now I have a totally different "take" on my Lee Perry tapes, posters, shows and vinyl. I asked him, if he would mind, that if that I saw him again, could I bother him?
He said its OK, but he was going to Kingston for 2 days. I thanked him, and we said goodbye and went back to tell my friends on the beach, what just happened.

Friday: my Lawyer friend, David Baram, an ex Tosh promoter, from the club "My Father's Place" upon learning that I had a long conversation with LP had to go meet the Upsetter himself. David and I were looking up at his second floor apartment, looking for him. There were real and fake painted reel to reel tape recorders on the screen porch and, other weird stuff, that I fully did not appreciate in his window.
The next day, for some reason (I have an idea that LP lost his annominity), all the unusal items, such as fake tape recorders disappeared. It was a surreal experience, that every thing was quiclkly removed, maybe we were hallucinating (JK). Several days latter, David ran into him and LP said he was writing a book.
My next few posts will be about negotiating or trading. Trading could be seen as an applied or soft science like Psychology, as opposed to Biology, which is more factual.

Sunday: There is a book called "You can Negotiate Anything" by Herb Cohen, which talks about trading, bartering and making deals. A salient features of negotiating is patience. When in doubt, delay. Not every point needs to be resolved on the spot. One wants to keep the trading /selling process running smoothly

Monday: Bargaining basically is "I have something you need, and you have something I need." It is a give and take relationship. One should try to commit to something in every meeting or negotiation, otherwise it is an endless cycle of frustration. I guess the key word is compromise. Value or worth does not have to be the most important part of the trade. Trading is like playing poker, Sometimes the first one who blinks, sets the tone for the rest of the deal/hand/trade. I used to trade autographs a lot when I was younger,
When it came time for me to buy a house, all my training served me well. I was able to negotiate a better price and mortgage.

Most of the stuff I am writing about is a lot of shit. Anyone who trades with me, knows that I always try to give a better deal than they expected, and I don't play games,
But if I didn't write this crap, I would have nothing to write about.

There are psychological needs of both parties in a trade. Some people have a superiority complex, and "showboat" their items or in other words, running their mouths off. They want to inflate their egos by saying "I have this and you do not." almost like sticking their tongue out at you.
On the other hand, one does not actually know what is going on in the other persons head, so it's difficult to make assumptions and jump to conclusions. When one trades, one has to take the long term view. In other words, yes I will get the new demo, now, but odds are that in 3 years it will be available one way or another.

If one gives up a relatively valuable piece of vinyl, once it is gone from ones' collection, it is gone forever. (unless another pops up on a sellers list or e Bay)

It is very difficult to walk away from a trade, but some do it better than others. For some it comes naturally, and for others it takes work or planning. (some of these principals can be applied to relationships as well). If a transaction does not feel right, let it go, ( for the time being) It's like dating, people always want more ,what they cant have.

I guess now would
be a good time to talk about the line "Now you get, what you want, do you want more?"

Tuesday: Value alone, usually does not kill a trade. Usually there are other ingredients, such as personality conflicts, egos, time tables When making a trade, try to pick up on timing clues (how anxious is the other party to close the deal)

If the trade is completed, make sure that the trade specifics are restated, in writing, just to ensure that both parties share the same agreement in mind.
Sort of like an informal contract. This will save major hassles in the future.

When initiating a trade, let the other party go first. That will tell you what they are thinking. One can pull numbers, songs or specifics out of the other party, by asking hypothetical questions. For example ."if you were to do this, and we were to do that, how much would that be worth?" "Suppose we were to put a dollar sign on it"?

Trading is bit like a game. Maybe chess or checkers I have always been a trader, whether it was baseball cards at age 7 , or trading autographs at age 14. It must be something in my blood. I have been trading Marley for at least half my life and about 15 years ago, did I realize that it was a science.

I believe there is book called the "Art of Negotiating," which I highly recommend to anyone who want to climb the ladder of trading. Some of the salient features of the book were:
1. Never blink first.2 Let the other person make the first move.

Saturday: This passage is taken from one of the above books:

Traditionally, rewards presumably go to those possessing the greatest talent, dedication, and education. But like has disillusioned those who hold that virtue and hard work will triumph in the end. The "winners" seem to be people who not only are competent, but also have the ability to "negotiate" their way to get what they want.What is negotiation?

It is the use of information and power to affect behavior within a "web of tension." If you think about this broad definition, you'll realize that you do, in fact negotiate all the time both on your job and in your personal life.With whom do you use information and power to affect behavior off the job?

Husbands negotiate with wives, and wives with husbands. (I hope your marriage is a collaborative Win-Win negotiation.)

You use information and power with your friends and relatives. Negotiations may occur with traffic cop poised to write a ticket, with a store reluctant to accept your personal check, with a landlord who fails to provide essential services or wants to double your rent, with professional who bills you for part of the cost of his or her education, with a car dealer who tries to pull a fast one, or with a hotel clerk who has "no room," even though you have a guaranteed reservation.

Sunday: The moral of the story is that when I met him, making a video of himself, walking around, with a rock on his head, he was not doing it for any body, but himself.I just happened to catch him in his own private world.I came to the conclusion, that he is not crazy, just an eccentric genius.

I could write more about differentiating a genius from a mad man, but it's out of my league. (This book was written by my first cousin)

I recently saw "The Who". I was racking my brains to find a Who/Wailers connection. Then I remembered that Rabbit Bundrick played on CAF. His sites seems to not be working at the moment.

I saw David Bowie last night (VIP experience), I can't seem to think of any Bowie/Wailers connection, except that he probably played a reggae song on one of his albums.
Monday: If I had to stretch the Wailers/Bowie association, he wrote a song that mentioned Ziggy, and he has a song called Heathen.

John Rabbit Rundrick web pages:

Wednesday: I saw Dick Dale a few nights ago. Basically he originated surfer music, I do not think there is a Marley connection to surfing music, except that most surfers love Bob and Ganja.
There is a Ska version of a surfing song, maybe "Pipeline" on a compilation album,possibly Intensified Ska. (I know it is the last song on the side, although)

Friday: Trading Bob is like golf. I guess the 18th hole would be like Roger Steffens collection, and a Newbie would be like being on the driving range, or taking lessons.
Sometimes extranous circumstances affect your swing/game , like what's going on in your mind, or the weather.

Monday: Sometimes one gets caught in a sand trap, (an analogy could be a bad trade)I guess one could use a golf course as well, as a metaphor for life. (18 stops/holes)Extraneous factors affect the game like getting into a rut (the yips) (the ruff or water) and its difficult to get out.Sometimes things like E Bay or the quality of the Golf club might affect the level of difficulty/rareness. A rare item being posted or leaked because of the Internet, affects the unusualness of an item

I wrote a short piece about not being happy with a trade and trying to get more out of the other guy, on the back of a napkin, but misplaced it.It had to do with being Diplomatic, and how to approach the trading partner. I interviewed some friends of mine who are in sales, for the best approach.I was looking at a bad trade from a business point of view. Too bad I lost my notes.
Maybe Tiger Woods Swedish Model fiance affected his game.

Like with selling houses, the buyer of the house should not be overly happy, (Meaning thinking he ripped off the seller) and the seller of the house should not be overly happy, thinking he robbed the buyer. I guess it would be overly simplistic to say, idealistically, both partners in a trade should both feel they got a good deal.
One of my Lawyer friends said "2 unhappy traders is good", Meaning that neither party is overly happy, and nobody feels like one party got the better of the deal.
Is "Iditating" is legitimate word?

There is a song called "Slogans on the wall" by the Viceroys/Tommy Mccook, which probably has nothing to do with Bob's unreleased song.

I saw Dick Dale a few nights ago, Basically he originated surfer music, I do not think there is a Marley connection to surfing music, except that most surfers love Bob and Ganja.

Someone (maybe Roger, I forgot who) sent me a video of Rogers Steffens Queen Mary Reggae show, but the part on The Wailers was cut out (maybe it was an April Fools Joke or something like a "Cock tease")
The June/04 Issue of The Rolling Stone Magazine has a full page reproduction of the original Bob Cover (with his arms strectched out ) As well, it has a great review and discussion of the "Live at the Lyceum Album."
Supposedly there is an alternate Danny Simms tape with split stereo.

As with many Wailers singles, there are UK. NY, and JA. pressings of "Guava Jelly."It used to be my goal to obtain, all of the Wailers Singles, with all different colored labels but have since given up on the a goal, since I have a life to live. I have passed that baton onto others.

I can date my trades to the medium that I received the material on. Most old time traders like myself, have most of their stuff on cassettes. CDs are relatively new (2 years ) to us.
I wonder who predates me and has stuff on reel to reel?

I wonder if E bay can be used as a price guide? Some traders say no, and it is artificial. I think that whatever the market will bear, is the price guide.
NWNC, during Boston 78 has a organ Instrumental, which reminds me of George Martins' Harpisord like bit on, I"In My life " from Revolver.

One day they should have a TV show called Wailers Jeopardy.

Question one: In what show did a guy in the audience blow a whistle, on the first note?Answer Boston 76
Question Two: In what show, was there a a dog barking in the audience between songs? Answer: Milan

I would like to see more articles as using Bob's image as an icon.There have been some brief references to Bobs image as an icon, like Che Guiveras', but I am sure more could be written.
I just saw Bobs picture today in an advertisement for tower records

Thank you Esther Rebecca, an ex girlfriend, who confirmed my suspicions. that I saw the Wailers, both in 78 and 80. (It's a longer story than that, but its too late in the evening , to start writing)
JULY 2004


I have minimal recollections of seeing Bob in 80 in Manhattan, probably do the fact I smoked a lot. I taped the show on a micro cassette tape recorder, and saw the show with Esther Rebecca, my brother and his wife.

I had the good fortune to hang out with Al Anderson at one of Rogers NY shows. I gave him a uncut sheet of JA. Bob stamps, which he seemed to be appreciative. I had him sign another sheet for myself.

I went to a Country Club for fathers day, and they had face panting for kids.I had an Ethiopian flag painted on my face.
Glen Adams web site

Friday: At times, a parent and child can have an issue over whom controls the music in a room? But I'm a good dad, and I let him usually have his way, since he's a good kid.
I would love to get my hands on Smile Ja. 12"

The above picture is my Comic book store rotating magazine racks, that I've placed in the attic. I have been filling them up with Marley magazines.

It's tough for Wailers collectors to be friends, since there is so much distrust, and non sharing. It is difficult to keep wailers relationships going, without being totally honest with one another.
I wonder what it would be like, if I gave up my day job and did research on the Wailers 24/7. I am not being too serious.

Sunday: I am such a pack rat. I wonder if it's an affliction? I have so many loose, photostatted, Reggae relayed copies, of articles, maybe one day, I will figure out how to organize them. When does an affliction become pathological? What is the cut off point?
If I save every scrap of paper that mentions the Wailers normal? (I am starting to lighten up a bit , in my old age). There were some posts recently in the reggae Usegroup, related to this topic.
I probably can never be bored, since I always have a box of blanks to play.

Monday: I love segues. Por ejemplo, On the Beacon May first, Late show, Rat Race Dub goes into War.

Tuesday: I found this article interesting: - Nation/World News
Maybe I'll make this journal a dual language Web Log or Blog. I wonder if anyone who reads this column speaks Spanish?

I wish they would release a new Confrontation-like album already.It might not work in these nowadays because it 's too dated, old style reggae, but I am optimistic. It might be difficult to capture the spirit of Confrontation, since the Confrontation overdubs were made by the Wailers shortly after Bob passed away, and Carley is gone.

They could probably still get the I 3's back.
It would be nice, if the complete uncut recording session, with all the studio chatter of the 1977 "One Love" existed? I would imagine the session took about 12 hours, and there are many takes we have never heard. I imagine there are several false starts, as well. Of course the bit a
It would be nice if someone had it, and mailed it to me, for my birthday.

Wednesday: I must suffer from some degree of Paranoia, I feel that people have Wailers related items that I need, but they are holding out.
Thursday: Life can get very complicated, I hav
e a choice of going Surfing or talking Marley.Surfing is better exercise, ... decisions, decisions, decisions

Friday: I have about 10 different pressings of Duppy Conquerors. There is a pressing of Duppy with an extended ending, but I have to figure out which one it is.
Saturday: Red is for blood, Yellow is for the sun, Green is for the earth

Sunday: Hechicero 14
Wednesday: Bob Marley & the Wailers
Thursday: The Bunny single "Searching for Love" is on the Solomonic label. "Got to leave this place" by Keith Hudson, is on the flip side with a Tuff Gong Label.

Friday: "Reggae is a vehicle to transfer the message of redemption"
Saturday: I was thinking of making a Marley mobile, with little things spinning around.
Sunday: I wonder if "Bobwise" is a legitimate word? I'll think of a sentence that uses it latter.

Tuesday: I was disappointed with Johnny Cash's and Joe Strummer version of "Redemption Song". I think J.C.'s part was good, although
Wednesday: My goal for the next few days is to
make a gospel Marley CD. It is gonna take a bit of work, and have procrastinated in doing this, for years. A Spiritual Wailers compilation needs to be collected on 1 CD
Thursday: This next post was written a few days latter:I now have a better appreciateon for, well made , "Best Of" or "Home made Deluxe" discs that collectors make: I have made several "best of " of tapes and CD's , for most of life, but not to the quality and sound level others have made. I have been working on a Wailers Gospel CD. but unfortunately, the tracks have different sound qualities, volume levels and scratchiness
Friday: Some things I am lacking from my Video collection include:
Rogers Wailers section of his Queen Mary show.Peter Tosh in Canada, 1980 Video documentary, with footage of Peter riding his unicycle in Toronto, and playing keyboardBob induction in Hall of fame,MTV's Bob Marley weekend.Roger interviews with Bunny and Cedella Booker.

Saturday: I was watching Prince Charles doing the butterfly on the "Spiritual Journey "CD. Some guy bumped into Prince Charles , and seemed to be feeling the Princes pockets.

Sunday: Did Bob set trends in Reggae music?, I personally don't think so. He was part of a genre, and brought it to a better level. Bob Marley did not come up with the "sound" that was the "latest thing" in Jamaican music.
Monday: Getting back to the dead hoarse issure of Beatles vs. Wailers influence on society: I feel the Beatles did change the world, album by album, (hair cuts, Pot , LSD, Indian music, Fashion, ...I do not think The Wailers made those type of changes, and as rapidly.

Thursday: If I had time, I would make a Wailers "Do Whop" sty
le CD
Friday: Check out the new line of Dior clothes: Dior Rasta:

Saturday: I heard there are 2 different versions of "Rock with me".

Sunday: At the start of The Tower, Phil. show, when the announcer announces Bob, the keyboard sounds has a soap opera or game show keyboard sound.

Monday: Lots of decisions, Should "Stop that train," "Go tell it on the mountain" be included on the Gospel CD? How about "Thank You Lord" or "Oh Lord Got to be there "?
Tuesday: I had the good fortune of seeing Prince last week.

I believe Don Taylor's book mentions that Bob went to a Prince show and met him.
Prince used to play lively up yourself during his 92 world tour
2 reggae songs that Prince has recorded are "Blue light" and "Ripopgodzippa."

Wednesday: Bob and Dennis T. were just starting to experiment with live dub, around 79/80. During "Work," he does a fair amount of live dub.
I have heard it said that the most "dubbed" songs is "Crazy Baldheads" in MPLS 79. I wonder how far Bob would have taken, live dub/versions, if he survived?
I also do not think Bob changed Reggae music that much, He took a good sound and brought it to an another level.

In roughly 6 years, the Beatles changed generations way of thinking. Bob might have done that, as well, but at a slower pace.
The Wailers and the Beatles influence is still here today, and will continue to be here, long after we are gone.

Thursday: On the Do Whop Wailers CD, I would include "The Vow, and "Where is the girl for me"?
An example using the new word Bobwise in a sentence, would be: "What should I play Bobwise?
One of the good things about Wailersfest , was that I got a ton of articles, that I never saw before.
I am trying to organize my Wailers related newspaper articles by putting them in to clear plastic binders, and then into an album.

Friday: There is still hope for new Wailers Material. This is a snipnet form the Internet:
"Some rare beatle stuff was found: The 4 1/2 hour reel-to-reel tape recording includes John Lennon and Paul McCartney experimenting with alternative versions of some previously unrecorded tracks. The collection also includes previously unknown versions of new recordings of "We Can Work It
Out" and "Cry Baby Cry." The tapes, labeled "Abbey Road... not for release,"

Saturday: I have about 6 different "Screw Face" 7' labels, some with small letters some with large letters. One has a bright fuchsia pink Label, some have matrixes and some do not.
I have too many CD's to listen to: Maybe I will have them implanted in my head.
I wish someone would put my collection in a museum, so it could be spread it out and I can look at it all the time.

I saw Yellowman recently who did a great "Keep on moving." Eek a Mouses' band did a very interesting version of Sheriff. BTW, I got Eeks autograph, and shook Yellowman's hand.
It was a great show, if you can catch it.

Sunday: The new Toots CD, True Love," is great. I highly recommend it , And for all you Wailers fans out there, Bunny sounds good as well.

Monday: I had a business Idea: Someone should make glass picture frames for 7"s, like they do for album covers.

Tuesday: Some Wailers collectors disappear from the trading scene. Maybe due to burn out, or the new items needed, are too expensive, or impossible to get.
I can't see a "real" Wailers' lover" totally dropping out, since it is an addiction, I wonder how a trader/collector who really loved the Wailers and their message, could only be transient? Then, how can one just "let go of trying to obtain 'new material," and drop out of the scene? Maybe they got sick of trading situation. Maybe if the trader dies, he will stop collecting.

Wednesday: I was thinking of stopping this Journal and starting an Eek journal.

Thursday: Regarding the Wailing Wailers LP, (the one with the raindrops), the matrix numbers and playlists for the three silver screen albums, are different.

In addition the track listing varies, from what is written on the cover, to what is actually playing.An example would be:Side A: I'm going home, Bend down Low, Hypocrites, Stand alone, Cry to me, Mr. Talkative, Wings of a doveSide B: More axe, Mellow mood, Dancing shoes, Who feels it knows it, African Herbsman, Sunday morning, Love won't be mine
Friday: I just learned that "Chilin' like Bob Dylan" is an old expression. The new Reggae Tribute to Dylan should be good. The Tribute to the Stones was great. I hated the one to the Police.

1. I Thought I saw a new Melanotic lesion, on Yellowman neck, when I was in the front row of the audience.2. My friend Sara, got me Yelloman's autograph.3. Yellowman told Sara, "Give my regards to the Doc".

There are (among others) yellow/black/white and black/yellow/blue color versions of the Silk Screen Album Covers. One is made out of an Ajax paper, another is from a paper advertising a brand of bread.
I wonder if there is any truth to "You can get it if you really want"?

My wife went to a "Cure " concert, where they played Tosh during set breaks.

Saturday: AOL had the entire Don Kershner rock concert video on line. In addition they had a "Marley Live Radio Station 24/7.

I thought I read that Don Kershner recently sold his collection of videos. (maybe that is related why AOL was playing the concert).

Maybe AOL played a lot of Marley in honor of Ja. independence.

On September 21, 2004, a soundtrack for a movie will be released with Sean Paul with Ziggy Marley. (not sure of the name although)P

The Empire State Building will be light up in Green, this week, in honor of JA. Independence. This week, I will try to get a picture. To be more specific, it will be Black/Green/Gold , August 6th-8th in honor of Jamaica Independence.

I have painted my ping pong table red yellow and green. I'll post a picture, one day soon.

The following is the review of this site, from the up coming Distant Drums magazine:

Hechiero is a private online diary of a Wailers collector. The website is updated on a regular basis and offers an original and different perspective on collecting Wailers material, either tapes or records. Its author reasons on the several aspects and stages of the Wailers career and more generally about Jamaican music. Do not miss, .....this is a real treat all the Wailers related sites.

How does one decide what something is worth?It has been discussed before, but I guess the bottom line is, what the market will bear.P

It's lame to keep great stuff (Marley or non Marley) under lock and key, in vaults, where people cannot hear it.

I have a collection of Wailers related records, such as a version of Hypocrites by The Lone ranger, called "Natty on the go."

I like the descriptions labels are given, such as football or flag label.

Sunday: One can only wonder what is on the "mother load" of all the sessions recorded at TG?
A Wailers collector told me about 10 years ago, that he has had every Wailers record, ever made, in his hands, at one time or another. I found that impossible to believe.

Monday: I have seen 2 green colored versions of "Love Light." One is lighter, with a thinner width of vinyl, maybe related to the pressings of Destiny and Simmer Down. The other is thicker, heavier, and a darker green.

I have a "Pet" vinyl collection of Reggae Versions of Beatles songs. There is a single by the Soulettes, singing "Let it be" on a Upsetter rhythm (The flipside is called Big Dog Bloxie)

I have never heard anyone saying bad things about Toots new CD


Wednesday: Can collectors be friends without trading?


Friday: I have read that "a label is called "Pre" when it has the label name (eg.Tuff Gong) but no artist or song title." but I'm not sure I agree with that statement. A label is "Blank"when there is no printing at all - no label name, no song title, no artist.

Saturday: If I had unlimited resources, time and money, and places to hang the stuff, my collection could look pretty nice.

I have been collecting for a long time and have acquired many unusual items. A big part of owning something is framing and displaying it.

Bob, Bunny and Peters autograph in one frame
Bob. Peter, Bunny, Rita, Marcia, Judy, Al, FamilyMan, Junior Marvin, autographs in one frame
Bob, Peter, Bunny and Joe Higgs autographs in one frame, with a picture from their tour.
An Alton Ellis autographed picture and a few of his records in one frame
Augustus Pablo signed record sleeve and one of his records in a frame
Mortimer Planner autograph on a sleeve of his record, framed
Ziggy Marley contracts, some back stage passes, and some assorted Ziggy autographs framed
Glen Adams signed record sleeves and several of his records, in one frame
Eek a Mouse signed Ticket stub and one of his singles
Yellowman signed ticket stub and a few on his 7 "records
Toots signature, and his recording of "Do the Reggay"
Most of the Marley Brothers autographs in one frame.
Jimmy Cliff auto. with 40 different singles.
Steel Pulse members on my business cards
Third World Members on My business cards
Lots of Spear items.

Sunday: I painted my ping pong table, bathroom and drum set, Red Gold and Green, and speaking of the RGG colors, I was very surprised of the actual star on the Ethiopian Flag. (as seen on the Olympics, by the winning Ethiopian Track team)

Monday: This column has been on a summer holiday.

Tuesday: I invented a new Bob Marley quiz show:
One takes a 90 minute Concert, cut it down to 4 seconds of the opening notes, of each of the songs, and see which of the contestants can identify the concert first.

Wednesday: Maybe there should be an official list of Trading Rules : (Not common sense or implied rules )
1: When something is traded to another trader, the second trader cannot trade the first traders items, without obtaining the first persons permission.
2: We do not trade or discuss with other parties what was traded.
Thusday: I have a backlog of Posts, that I have been saving, just in case my brain goes dry (Picks Disease.)

"Comma Comma" might be an early incarnation of Stir it up, since Bob alludes to "Dry your eyes". I also heard that he sings a few lines "Tread along" during it

Friday: I think I will make a Christmas related Wailers CD.
Saturday: Selah means Amen.

H.I.Ms Military Title was "Field Marshall"
One can never get bored of collecting Wailers. There is always organizing and re or suborganizing.A collection could always be scanned, as well.
Some traders are afraid of trading music, because of legal ramifications, but i I think that is just a business ploy.


The alternate take and a single version of "Get Up, Stand Up," each previously unreleased, from the Burning Deluxe set, will hopefully will be new to my ears.
I just picked up the Reggae Tribute to Dylan CD, which as some good versions.

I hope the "All Star" album by Jimmy Cliff CD is as good as Toots recent CD.

I saw "The Dead" recently, with their new guitarist. He's no Garcia.
They should have played "Stir it up," (I would have even taken, "The Harder They Come")

The Wailers used the phrase, "The Harder they climb, the Harder they fall" in "Climb the Ladder".

I had an interesting conversation with Toots' manager recently, about Toots Duets CD.I'll eventually write something about our interaction.

Monday: The Barbados vinyl label is Total sounds. War is more desirable than the other pressings, because it's the only one with a yellow / green label.
I must be really ancient, I watched the Earl Chin Essex Marley interview when it originally aired.

Getting back to a previous post (approx. 30 ago) about inserting CDs or a chip in my brain, to keep up with t the music and being organized, did anybody see Bourne Supremacy?

Tuesday: I recently was at the Toots /Marley show, had a good time.

Thursday: Jimmy Cliff is playing in Manhattan tonight, but I probably will no go, due to the Republican convention. I was fortunate enough to see him in a small Club last year, unplugged.

He played an interesting song called "Terror." (I recorded the show)
This column will take a leave of absence until its review comes out in Distant Drums, If it get a positive review, I will be back.

Wednesday: Coming soon: Opening of New Wing , "On line, Virtual, Unofficial Bob Marley Museum"
Thursday: Clint O'Neil's Reggae

Monday: What does the Governor of California have in common with the Hechicero column? They both say, "I'll be back"

Tuesday: I wish I could make my entire house a showcase for Marley items. My one half -hearted attempt to display my collection in a gallery, was unsuccessful.

Wednesday: Someone I know, sort of wrote their Term paper, on comparing Charley Brown, of the Peanuts Comic Strip, philosophy of not giving up, to the Wailers statement "Never give up..."
Thursday: Someone I know, sort of wrote their Term paper, for school, on Dreadlocks and their commercialization. (Leny Kravity 's hair, Christian Doir Pocketbooks...

My daughter was going into the city, and I gave her some fatherly advise, " to watch her back", which reminded me of the lyric: "They stab you in the back, and stay you were not looking", " or the live version of this :"They stab you in the back and say you have no eyes"

Friday: One day, remind me to publish my short story and discussion of Jelly Fish. Speaking of Jellyfish, I have to see the Dreadlocked Rasta Jellyfish in Shark Tales with Ziggy doing the voice. (see previous page for a picture)

Saturday: I just finished reading Bob Dylan's autobiography, "Chronicles," (which was amazing!). I guess Bob D. will mention Reggae in a future book.
About 50 pages back in this Journal, I compared the 2 Bobs.

Sunday: Years ago someone drew a cartoon of Bob in Superman costume, for a newspaper and was reprinted in a Reggae magazine. I think that this concept could be expounded upon. Maybe make the S in red, yellow, and green.
The following is a cartoon drawing of a less intense Rasta.

Monday: I finally treated myself to a WaWa pedal for my guitar. Now I can learn from Master Musician Peter.Peter really deserves more recognition than he has received for his WaWa/washboard sound. It is unique.

Tuesday: I thought of the ultimate commercialization of Bob, a Pez candy dispenser.
I love going to Manny's Music in Manhatatn, and seeing the autographed Bob picture on the wall.
My new favorite color is yellow.
I just painted three "pieces of semi Art work ." (I'll post my interpretation of the World Trade Towers, one day. The other ones are called "House of the Rising sun", and "Phoenix".

I love the quote by Family man describing Reggae: "That warm sound, you can feel it, like a painting. A picture, composed of red, green, gold. What shade of red? What shade of gold?..."

Wednesday: I recommend the Bunny Wailer / Melody Makers bonus track 14, "I know you don't care about me" from The Melody Makers, Live, Vol. 1 CD. It has a great rhythm.
Thursday: This link might not work for some computers:

F king A

Friday: Goodness in life endureith for Iver(to remain firm under suffering or misfortune without yielding )

Saturday: I love Wailers/Biblical metaphors. "You never miss your water, till your well runs dry" or "My cup runnith over ,and I don't know what to do"

Sunday: I hope some new amazing stuff leaks, or gets out, from, wherever.
Monday: The guitar cords for "400 Years" are:
verse: Gm Cm Gm
chorus: A# Cm D

Tuesday: This could probably be used for the Beatles vs. Wailers

Wednesday: Someone asked why I stated rewriting my journal, before the next issue of Distant Drums was published, Lets just say, that I was allowed to see an advanced look at the review.
Thursday: Click here



Monday: At the end of '"Africa Unite "there is a bit of a strange clarinet or another wind instrument, (at the fad out). Too bad there is not an extended clarinet version of "Africa Unite."
Tuesday: I wonder if so "Sociology" is the study of all of the Bob versions of "So Jah say"?

Wednesday: I am getting nervous that Distant Drums Magazine has had its last issue. That's why I started up this column.

Thursday: The list of Radio station ID's by Bob discussion, in the Reggae Usegroup was interesting.

Friday: I wonder why there are not other classical Interpretations, of the Wailers CD's?(Similar to released ones by Dylan and The Stones.)
I am excluding The Reggae Philharmonic.

Saturday: Someone should make a list of Wailers songs with synthesizers. I guess we can start with "So much Trouble " and some songs on CAF.

Sunday: There must be something to the "Bob Marley is great " stuff, since both the Stones and The Dead wanted Bob to open for them.
And John Lennon said "that the Wailers/Reggae was gonna be the next biggest thing, before playing GUSU, when he guest hosted as a DJ on the radio.

Monday: I would like to reduce trading, to a mathematical equation, like an unequal isosceles triangle.
Two of the sides of the triangles might be unequal or when one traders item, for trade, is twice as good as the other traders.

I am trying to figure out a mathematical formula for trading, such as (2 x X='s Y)
One persons' trading item, equals the second traders item, multiplied by 2. But external influences come into play, such as, condition of the label.

Monday: Try this page I built, and see if it automatically goes to an another record pages

Tuesday: In the movie, "Cat In The Hat," there was a cat with dreads and a tam.

Wednesday: I haven't been trading much lately, for a variety of reasons, primarily due to "burnout." (Of course there are the old reasons, such as the no copy situation and lying about what I have obtained from others.)
The other trader only needs my super best stuff, that I had previously promised that I would not trade.

When one get to that level of rarity, it is too much stress/anxiety,and it is not worth sinning (by Lying).
Maybe I also experience too many trades too fast, and maybe I have enough, (Maybe my cup runnith over and I don't know what to do.)

Thursday: What does it mean when one looses interest in trading or buying Wailers stuff on Ebay? Maybe it is Prozac time? Or maybe my possible OCD is in check.

Friday: Someone should write about the use of brass instruments in reggae music "Don't space out the flipside of "Walk and Don't look back" or on Rita's version of "Who clot the game."
There are several other songs, that sound like they have brass instruments, but they might just be an Organ playing that part.

Saturday: The October Reggae Attic page was like a Bob version of the "Where's Waldo" game. One has to find the Bob references in the picture.
Sunday: The Reggae attic is actually a living breathing piece of artwork, sort of like a fungus. It changes daily. Always growing, reforming, compartmentalizing, developing, never shrinking. It is expanding, and self actualizing. It seems to mature and fine tune itself.I wish I could call it "Jellyfishlike, "but a fungus is a better metaphor. I wonder when the ceiling is gonna break? There are already cracks.

Monday: T1 (Trader One) times T2 (Trader 2 ) plus V (variables , such as condition) equals T1T2V.

Tuesday: 986 hours till I leave for my X mas vacation in Ja.

Wednesday: Apparently the repress of "Here Comes the Judge"has is an alternate introduction.

Tuesday: I saw the Wailers last Night, for about the 10th time. I enjoyed the show, more than I thought I would. They played "Thank your Lord" but changed the words to "Thank You Jah". They did "Hypocrites" as well.

Wednesday: I went to a Reggae Show recently and they announced that Chris Blackwells' wife passed away.


Monday: If I was still in High School so I would do my college application on Bob.I forgot that Bob sings "People get ready" at the end of the white label, red football, TG single.

Tuesday: I would like to compare the metaphors, "the cup is half full", from "my cup runnith over."

Wednesday: Peters' guitar playing was musically revolutionary, I'm not sure if he invented the Washboard WaWa sound, but he sure perfected it.

Thursday: The alternate GUSU from the Burning Deluxe set, track 14, is subtly different, but the differences are desrenable.
There is different intonation, and a longer pause in the song.

A reader said, they read that, in someones opinion, "the alt. GUSU was an inferior mix of the demo."

Friday: I do not think Bob would not take any any partisan position on politics. He would speak to all, with a message of tolerance and love.
Saturday: I would like to find out for sure, if and which Wailer plays on Lennon Dillions' "Dem a wicked." Too bad there is not a good discography available.

Sunday: I heard that, in general, the JA 45's were used as source, for UK Pressings, but they cut out the high and low frequencies.
England had better pressing machines so their pressings might have been clearer.

A reader stated that "they used that technique for the some Ska and some of the Tuff Gong tunes, not all though.

Monday: Peter Tosh is playing a Les Paul guitar in the "Old grew whistle test" video. Bunny is playing an Ovation Guitar, in the acoustic guitar Slave Driver on CAF video

The "Making of CAF" DVD stated that "Reggie Lewis played guitar on "Slave Driver"
Tuesday: I wonder who has the uncut film from the "Is this Love" birthday party video?

Monday: I heard a Jamaican expression that I do not fully understand "Selassie I briefcase". I think it means, when someone says "how are you"? They respond "Selassie I briefcase".

Tuesday: I wonder what Marleys' take would be, on the fact that Babylon is officially Iraq. (To the best of my knowledge)

Wednesday: I have this amazing friend by the name of Roz. She is an ex hippie, pre flower child. She reminded me that her friends used to call her Roztafari.

Thursday: I was wondering what period of Bob included the most styles of different music? I and other wailersfanatics would obviously say the Coxsone years. Under coxsones tutalige they recorded so many different styles ,such as ballads, ska, soul, gospel, etc. The Wailers were not too busy touring, so the y had more time for the studio as well.

Monday: I wonder what good the significance is that I like "misprints" such as misprinted coins with mistakes or mislabels? I have a "Babylon By Bus" CD which plays another Reggae CD. I also own a "Send me that Love" 45, which plays TTR. Maybe I am a "Odd ball," myself?

Tuesday: One day I hope to meet someone in the inner Marley circle or "Universal Music" loop, who can feed me some new Bob music, I haven't heard before
Wednesday: I understand, of the of the NY Pressing, Yellow labels, Concrete Jungle is rarer than the K12S.

Friday: Too bad, an extended version of Africa Unite with a clarinet version does not exist. At the end of the song there is a bit of a clarinet solo (Or another wind instrument), at the fade out.

Saturday: I need to play Marley songs backwards, to see if there are any hidden messages, like the Beatles used to do (JK)


Thursday: : I am working on Christmas Wailers CD. So far I have, Sound the Trumpet, White Christmas, a possible version of sound the Trumpet, and Christmas is Here.

Tuesday: The next logical step for musical collectors, should be a Mp3 device, like a I pod. Hundreds to thousands of hours of rare Wailers could be saved, without chance of skips or scratches.

Wednesday: "War" going into "So Jah Say," from the Smile JA show, is worth relistening to.

Friday: The '2 overtones' wave is : y = sin(x) + sin(2*x)/2 + sin(4*x)/4.

Tuesday: Reggae songs on the Rolling Stone's Magazine 500 Best Songs list
37. No Woman No Cry, Bob Marley66. Redemption Song, Bob Marley 317. Many Rivers to Cross, Jimmy Cliff341. The Harder They Come, Jimmy Cliff443. I Shot the Sheriff, Bob Marley446. Pressure Drop, Toots and the Maytalls

Monday: 2 more ideas regarding Christmas Wailers: there is an overlap with gospel/ spiritual music, and I see Universal is selling Christmas baskets on Ebay.

Tuesday: If a collector gets memory loss, it could be a problem, because the ultimate filing system is that collectors brain.

Wednesday: It would suck if I got Alzheimer's Disease, since, i I would be unable to remember where all my Wailers material is located. Then again, getting a MP3 player or an I pod would be like an extra brain, that could be carried in my pocket. It would be greet to have all my Audio material in my shirt pocket, at all times.

Thursday: They should perfect a pod for dvds/videos, so my video collection can be with me at all times.

Friday: Maybe getting Alzheimer's Disease is not all bad, think of all the new music one would get. I have to figure out a way to clone myself, since I have so much to do. I do not have a DVD burner, but if did, and I was cloned, I would copy my Videos.

Saturday: If I was cloned, I could transfer every Marley show I own, into my Mp3 player. I would first have to get my clone to transfer most of my shows from tape to CD first.

Monday: Wailers releases (3 Box Sets, Rita, and Peter CD's) are coming out at a fast and furious rate since Universal acquired the JAD licensing

Monday: There is a version of "I Shot the Sheriff", released in 2003 by a band called Bayanga.

Tuesday: Bob and one of the I. Threes sang a new style of Yodel at one of the Roxy Shows. It is sort of like a a "Indian/Native American, like" sound.

Wednesday: On a rare occasion, I do not understand Bob lyrics In Soul Rebel, I think he sings: "I'm a living man, I've got work to do......paciferious". I'll have to check out the Marley Lyrics page, one day.

Thursday: Too bad Bob never put a re-recorded /updated TTR on a latter album.I recently heard a rumor that he did rerecorded it. (apart from the rehearsal session version)

Friday: Sometimes I like the scratches on my 45's. I feel the pops and clicks gives the music, soul and depth.
I strongly recommend all collectors purchase Portable MP3 players or I pods.

I am up to 3000 songs, and can change how the song sounds, by entering the Auditorium, Concert Hall, or Jazz Club mix button.

Saturday: I still feel the general public does not fully appreciate Bob. People always talk about his music and life, but fail to discuss his charisma and his intelligence.
This was revealed by the Ibiza interview, where the interviewer asks Bob, in Spanish, about HIM, as being a dictator,"Bob replied "What does he dictate"?
This shows how carefully Bob was listening, and how he was able to understand another language.

It is amazing how well he handled the interviewer and how he turned a question into a question. I guess this would be good offensive strategy for a debate.

Sunday: I saw the movie "Ray" last night (about Ray Charles). This excellent movie, sets a precident, of what a Marley movie could be like.

There are good fakes dubs and bad fake dubs.Waiting in vain, made by an internet acquataince of mine is one of the better fake ones.The creator removed about 97% of Bobs vocals. BTW, I wonder who Ras Jonah is?

Monday: I am leaving for JA in 150 hours. Last year I met Lee Perry and Peter Toshs' Mom. I wonder if any experience can top that?

Getting back to the physics of trading, there are different loops/rings of traders.
Some traders drop out of the loop. Some drop out, but reappear years later. These loops can resemble different orbits around Bob Music.
Some orbits are wide, some elliptical, some small, like a solar system.
Some orbits/ loops overly other rings, and that's when some music escapes ... bla bla bla.

Tuesday: Just downloaded Buffalo Soldier for my ring tone for my new phone.

Wednesday: I sort of made my own Rasta stained glass.
I picked up one of those multicolored Legends from Universal, that comes in a hemp bag.
I have the vinyl on my window sill, and when the sunlight shins through it, it is quite beautiful.
Thursday: Some vinyl collectors need to have every label, color and lettering of every Wailers Record ever made.

One copy of "Lively up yourself /Live", has Bob Marley and the Wailers in script where others it is block letters

One copy has a Yellow label with red TG letters, and another has TG in blue letters with Bob Marley and the Wailers stamped on it.

I heard 9 miles is really getting developed with hotels and restaurants. I might have to go down there myself and check it out.Maybe Bob would have want to be moved to Africa so he would be harder to track down and be less exploited.

Monday: I am leaving for Negril in 2 days. The song "Work" never seemed more ap-pra-pro.

Monday: Very few things could have been better than listening to remastered Wailers music in Jamaica, with my family, for 10 days, uninterrupted, with my new MP3 player.

Monday: There are at least 3 different labels of "Lovelight/Send me that Love".
One that is mislabeled and plays TTRock. Another has a Brown label with Green TG football shaped lettering."Send me that Love" exists on both on TG and Upsetter labels.

Tuesday: Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff. ~ Frank Zappa

Wednesday: All Wailers lovers have favorite shows, but can a "real" collector say what is their favorite show?

One of the Beacons', is one of my favorite shows, but I cannot say, with certainty, it is my "favorite show."I can whittle my favorite shows down to a "top 10" list, which would include Chicago 75, Amandla 79, Massey and Lennox.I can think of many others that might be up there as well. I think I gravitate towards 78-79 tours, rather than 73 or 80. 75/76 wasn't too bad either.

Thursday: Very few things are as good Bob, on a good stereo system, with good separation.
My favorite way to listen, is with those headphones that go right into the ear canal, not the ear buds, but the other type that goes around the back of the head.
I remember a conversation I had with Roger Steffans years ago, where he stated that he was happiest when he smoked a big splif and listened to Wailers that he has not heard before.
BTW, hearing Bob On my Bose Stereo system in my car, is not too bad either.

Friday: A rendition of "Redemption Song" by Johnny Cash and Joe Strummer, has been nominated in the "Pop Collaboration with Vocals" category of the Grammys.

A similar cover of the song was recorded by Strummer, featuring the Mescaleros and guests, shortly before his death.

Saturday: VThere was a song Title, Motivation / Self help tread, on the Reggae Usegroup 2 months ago, which was interesting. Basically it was about, what titles of Reggae Songs or lyrics could be used for a self motivation / Self help tape?

Sunday: I would bet I have one of the best "Third World" collections. I must have a box with about 20 singles, with their respective versions. I also have about 50 albums and 12 's, some test pressings, and several unusual live shows on tape. They put on some of the most lively/fun/musically talented shows, and must have seen them close to 10 times. I recently saw them in Negril and they covered a lot of Marley, including Buffalo Soldier, Crazy Ball heads, Africa Unite, a "Waiting in Vain" cello version. My family ran into Bunny at our Hotel and we took the following pictures.

Thursday: Notice the Marley shirt on Cat.

Monday: I have met and chilled with Third World about 15 years ago, at a special show (with Steel Pulse) at the United Nations, and last year on their tour bus.

Tuesday: A few years ago, I wrote about meeting Toots during a Christmas dinner at out Hotel in Negril. My 11 year old son told Toots" to try the chicken" on the buffet line.

A few weeks ago, we were at Third World concert, at the Jungle disco in Negril. My daughter started talking to someone and asked him if she could watch him play the slot machines. He mentioned that he was Toots manager who mentioned, that Toots was nearby and asked if she would like to meet him.

Thursday: Speaking of the Maytals, a few years ago I traded away a blank green Vinyl "Lonesome Feeling". Fortunately I recently was able to reobtain a copy of that 45

Friday: I have to listen to that pressing of "Lonesome Feeling" on vinyl a little closer, and try to make out the backing vocals.
There is another rare pressing of "Lonesome Feelings" which does not credit the Vikings.
I wonder how the original person /source came to the understanding that The Vikings were the Maytals. Maybe it is just a rumor for that story.

I have never read any stories or any seen any documentation about that session. I have heard they used pre-printed mighty Vikings labels and printed the Wailers title on top of it.
I'll have to ask Toots about this issue, if I ever run into him again.

Monday: Very few things could have been better than listening to remastered Wailers music in Jamaica, with my family, for 10 days, uninterrupted, with my new MP3 player.
Monday: There are at least 3 different labels of "Lovelight/Send me that Love".
One that is mislabeled and plays TTRock. Another has a Brown label with Green TG football shaped lettering."Send me that Love" exists on both on TG and Upsetter labels.

Tuesday: Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff. ~ Frank Zappa

Wednesday: All Wailers lovers have favorite shows, but can a "real" collector say what is their favorite show?
One of the Beacons', is one of my favorite shows, but I cannot say, with certainty, it is my "favorite show."I can whittle my favorite shows down to a "top 10" list, which would include Chicago 75, Amandla 79, Massey and Lennox.I can think of many others that might be up there as well. I think I gravitate towards 78-79 tours, rather than 73 or 80. 75/76 wasn't too bad either.

Thursday: Very few things are as good Bob, on a good stereo system, with good separation.
My favorite way to listen, is with those headphones that go right into the ear canal, not the ear buds, but the other type that goes around the back of the head.
I remember a conversation I had with Roger Steffans years ago, where he stated that he was happiest when he smoked a big splif and listened to Wailers that he has not heard before.
BTW, hearing Bob On my Bose Stereo system in my car, is not too bad either.

Friday: A rendition of "Redemption Song" by Johnny Cash and Joe Strummer, has been nominated in the "Pop Collaboration with Vocals" category of the Grammys.
A similar cover of the song was recorded by Strummer, featuring the Mescaleros and guests, shortly before his death.

Saturday: VThere was a song Title, Motivation / Self help tread, on the Reggae Usegroup 2 months ago, which was interesting. Basically it was about, what titles of Reggae Songs or lyrics could be used for a self motivation / Self help tape?

Sunday: I would bet I have one of the best "Third World" collections. I must have a box with about 20 singles, with their respective versions. I also have about 50 albums and 12 's, some test pressings, and several unusual live shows on tape. They put on some of the most lively/fun/musically talented shows, and must have seen them close to 10 times. I recently saw them in Negril and they covered a lot of Marley, including Buffalo Soldier, Crazy Ball heads, Africa Unite, a "Waiting in Vain" cello version. My family ran into Bunny at our Hotel and we took the following pictures.

Monday: I have met and chilled with Third World about 15 years ago, at a special show (with Steel Pulse) at the United Nations, and last year on their tour bus.
Tuesday: A few years ago, I wrote about meeting Toots during a Christmas dinner at out Hotel in Negril. My 11 year old son told Toots" to try the chicken" on the buffet line.
A few weeks ago, we were at Third World concert, at the Jungle disco in Negril. My daughter started talking to someone and asked him if she could watch him play the slot machines. He mentioned that he was Toots manager who mentioned, that Toots was nearby and asked if she would like to meet him.

Thursday: Speaking of the Maytals, a few years ago I traded away a blank green Vinyl "Lonesome Feeling". Fortunately I recently was able to reobtain a copy of that 45

Friday: I have to listen to that pressing of "Lonesome Feeling" on vinyl a little closer, and try to make out the backing vocals.

There is another rare pressing of "Lonesome Feelings" which does not credit the Vikings.
I wonder how the original person /source came to the understanding that The Vikings were the Maytals. Maybe it is just a rumor for that story.

I have never read any stories or any seen any documentation about that session. I have heard they used pre-printed mighty Vikings labels and printed the Wailers title on top of it.
I'll have to ask Toots about this issue, if I ever run into him again.
To be continues at march 2010